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Balde Bairn

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  1. This is where you have to be realistic with expectations. Hamilton have a fan base equal to East Fife and Clyde. what level do they play at? If your ambitions are higher with the same fanbase, the money has to come from somewhere to buy players to compete with clubs who have substantially higher attendances.
  2. That’s brought about through a financial shortage. Hamilton don’t have a big enough fanbase to justify being a full-time club. How else are they going to make up for this?
  3. We’re championship so can’t relate. How does it feel to have us a division above you?
  4. Apologies for my error, you’re a league 1 club! How raging are you? How does it feel?
  5. Enjoy the League 1 , your club is better suited to it than Falkirk. Here’s hoping you’re down there for 10-years.
  6. Let’s be accurate, it’s a lot more than 300 fans extra Dunfermline and Falkirk have. keep the crowdwanking jibs coming
  7. I speak for Scottish football when I say I hope St Johnstone finally get relegated. Scottish football has been dogged by tinpot teams in the top flight for too long that is now finally correcting itself. St Johnstone have spent way too long in the top division for a club of its stature.
  8. I’m afraid that’s a stupid comment. We’ve had to deal with clubs we didn’t even know had a hatred of us gloat and rejoice in our disasters over the last few years. The extent of this gloating has been so extensive it would challenge even the jibs Sevco took through the banter years. so with that I’ll leave you with a haha and hope you are feeling proper resentment at your relegation I hope my comment makes you beg that Falkirk have a disaster next season.
  9. So does Rankin get any credit yet? He’s done fantastically well to get Hamilton to the playoff finals. Whatever the outcome there he’s done well to get to the final.
  10. Amazed Muirhead is doing a job with Thistle. I was pretty happy to get shot of him and was actually surprised Ayr took him on after he left us. Complete hothead who used to argue with fans more often than anyone I can think of. Still remember him shouting “shut up” and swearing at fans as the ball was still in play and he was supposed to be defending.
  11. Don’t drag any other QoS fans into this, they probably don’t care about today.
  12. In what way? You were 2-0 up and lost. We were 2-0 up and didn’t lose. We stay invincible. What part is wrong?
  13. Apologies for my error, you are in League 1 and have earned your right to be there! But don’t con anyone that there’s no QoS fans who are unhappy. You’ll certainly have been all excited seeing us 2 goals down and looking forward to carrying on your obsession with Falkirk by spamming this forum. Must be so infuriating to see Falkirk fight back just as you squandered your big lead
  14. How wound up are you after blowing your 2 goal lead against Montrose? Or did you do a pitch invasion to celebrate securing 7th and preserving your League 2 status? Sadly you won’t get to find out how gutted Falkirk will be at blowing our invincible status. Poor you
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