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Kircer bairn

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Posts posted by Kircer bairn

  1. 3 hours ago, Scotty Tunbridge said:

    Think this was mostly an exaggeration from people on here tbh.

    I stand by that he just wasn’t very good but I didn’t see anything to suggest ‘issues’. I’ll still be very surprised if he makes the grade at Hibs especially since he’s out of contract if I’m correct.  He’s probably found that his level is poor full time level so I’d expect to see him bounce between the championship and league 1 going forward.

    Total sour grapes Totty Scunbridge & probably you should concentrate on your club’s imminent cash flow challenges 🤔

  2. 12 minutes ago, JulioBairn said:

    Putting this all down to a hilarious fishing trip now 🙈. You’re not winding anyone up you’re just boring us to tears. You’re also a grown man so if your intention is to wind up people you don’t know on an internet forum then I’d suggest that’s an even bigger problem. Call it a day for f**k sake. 

    He or she is probably an old firm fan trolling on this site.

    I found it ironic that he or she reacted to BB’s suggestion of having a link to foundation but then proceeded to confirm that he or she is “allegedly” a parent of a child playing for a team……..think that’s rather more than a tenuous link, but hey he or she is on the wind up so I guess I’ve taken the bait. 😏

  3. 4 minutes ago, kiddy said:

    The first half was memorable only for MacIver’s miss.

    That it took an hour for Falkirk to make changes, & get their finger out, including offside + pen decisions turning the game in their favour. It was looking like pushing the finishing line, back by a week, to Cove at home!

    Two fine finishes, from Henderson & Nesbitt, put a thick sheen of gloss, on edging a game where the score line flattered, when it was extremely close for an hour.

    Were you there Kiddy or just watching on TV?

  4. 1 hour ago, BPM said:

    Brockville is over 20 years gone. I am bored now with the nostalgia, it is selfish IMO of our generation to continue to go on about it. The vast majority of the Ultra’s were never there. My youngest son, who goes home and away, went to one game there. He is bored listening to talk about the 90’s. I would suggest he is not alone. I, like loads of my generation, have fond memories of the old place but it is nothing more than that for me now. The present is where we are at and this is the most relentless team I have witnessed at the club in my time. Granted at a lower level but we have never steam rolled a league like this ever. The only season that came close was Yogi’s promotion season in 2003/4. All comparisons of how it used to be are not relevant any more. Teams, manager and ownership. Time to look forward. 

    I am delighted for the younger fans to finally get reward for their loyalty. They will now have their hero’s, Morrison, Henderson, Lang and Spencer like I had in Gibson, Crunchie and Stainrod. 

    Time to savour the next 7 weeks. It won’t happen again in my lifetime. 


  5. 4 minutes ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Common practice to quote a few snippets from newspapers, TV, forums. Been done for years and will aleways be done.

    Can you imagine it 'This mod are thinking of subbing their goalkeeper at 1/2 time their so up themselves. So go out an and put them straight.

    It's basic man management

    When in your book does self confidence become arrogance as from where I see it an unbeaten run breeds a natural level of self belief.

  6. Just now, smc4761 said:

    I thought this was the Hamilton Accies Leaugue 1 thread🙃, Seems to have been hijacked by Falkirk fans.

    We are going nowhere under this fraud of a manager. We will be in league 1 again next season and I would expect us to go part time. Crowds, if that is the word, will be down to around 500.

    Falkirk have had a brilliant season, unbeaten in league and I would expect them to remain unbeaten come end of season. It shows what a difference having a decent manager makes, one that gets the best out of the squad. We have a decent squad if somewhat bloated but Rankin is clueless as to how to get best out of them.

    When we do not go up this year, I would expect Rankin to be gone and lets hope he is



    I’m sure your club is blessed to have an eternal optimist like you like you …….🤔


  7. 5 hours ago, Balde Bairn said:

    I do admire the lack of awareness Accies fans have. If you can barely get over 1000 fans at home when you’re doing well then you have absolutely no right to be in the top division; it should make you a yoyo team between third tier and second tier. Where does your money come from? How do you legitimately compete against teams like Falkirk and Dunfermline? 

    Where does money come from……….now there’s a good Question which I would be surprised if any of the 6 or so Accies’ supporters could give a clear answer to……🤔

  8. 17 minutes ago, Proudtobeabairn said:

    If Fyvie is out of contract at Cove I'd be putting a cheeky offer under his nose to consider (can only say no).  Martin would also be of interest.  

    McGovern had a good game v Celtic yesterday which suggests there's still life in him.  Likes Burgoyne too but not sure he'd be on McGlynns radar much and wages may be too high in any case.  

    On basis of watching close up last week my opinion is that Fyvie’s legs are gone now 

  9. 8 hours ago, Ye Olde Hamiltonian said:

    With the stuff I am hearing off the park about Investors behind the scenes  I highly doubt that.

    However,keep this Manager and we will be here another 1-2 years even with investment.

    The question is when does loyalty become blind loyalty as we are witnessing at the moment.

    Eventually they will realise they are backing the wrong horse and if he was sacked as he should have been when losing 5-0 at Cappielow, we wouldn’t even be in this League.

    At least someone is acknowledging the cash flow challenges are real. 🙌

  10. 5 hours ago, HopeStreetWalker said:

    Lets see how they cut it in a higher league over a season and I hope they are good enough. Have seen it far too often over the decades a winning team with top performers just don't cut it then its a scramble to put it right. 

    There will be 5 new outfield players making a regular start plus a goalie.


    Sorry wrong answer…… you need to be specific HSW 😎

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