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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Looking forward to some sort of season defining injury tonight.
  2. Oh my goodness, are you high? Jamie Watson is a right back. He played right back today. Here is a picture of Jamie Watson: Dave McKay is a centre half. He has recently been playing right back. This is not his normal position. Here is a picture of Dave McKay: I hope this clears things up.
  3. That chat board is something else. Makes FanTalk look clever.
  4. Well unless miller is injured today then imo the others are not good enough You managed to work out which player it is you don’t think is good enough yet?
  5. It’s pretty simple; so simple in fact I’ll answer it for you now. We have three players in the squad who can play right back. Whether or not you think those players are good enough is up to your own interpretation.
  6. What the f**k are you dribbling on about? The player you’ve just described is McKay. You originally said Watson. McKay didn’t even play today.
  7. Manager at football club allowed to make important decisions.
  8. Am I genuinely needing to explain this to you? Why would the club interviewer put such direct and deliberately negative question towards the manager directly after a 3-0 defeat?
  9. Pretty stupid questions, tbh. Check aw the old c***s buzzing we got beat so they can slate the manager. It’s fucking July.
  10. I wonder if any other club has so many fans declare a long hard season whilst still in July. Hearts, maybe.
  11. If you cannae work a self scan in a supermarket without needing the attendant you shouldn’t be allowed out the house.
  12. He is lightning quick but lacks any real football brain. Was played out wide for us which didn’t help. His pace alone would be problematic for defences if played through the middle at that level, but don’t ask him to do any sort of linking up.
  13. Mightily impressed by Bowie, think he’s in for a big season even at just 16. He’s in a position where John can’t not select him in the side - and all this whilst not actually playing in his natural position. The physical size of him for a boy of his age is in mad which obviously makes him able to compete, but his work rate seems to be spot on, too. Take the third goal for example - bustles his way through two Peterhead players and sprays it wide to MacDonald who shouts at him for not putting it into his path. Undeterred, he continues his run and gets the ball again in the wide position and delivers a pinpoint cross into the head of Allan who scores. Big fan of his, the fact he’s a massive Rovers fan is the cherry on the cake.
  14. Looking forward to this cup pish being out the way so we can go back to having all the game comments on one thread.
  15. I’ve watched the first goal a few times and can’t work out what you’re on about.
  16. Mendy’s marking of White at two corners and cross early on is really, really bad. The first goal he is no where near him. I get that White is a big brute, but so is Mendy!
  17. I don’t think there’s been a particularly bad response to the result on here, but I agree with your sentiment. Remain positive.
  18. Difficult to judge us off of two games against opposition from a higher division, though it’s never great to lose the first two competitive games of the season by three goals. Tuesday will surely be more indicative of the season to come.
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