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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Duggan and Ryan Wallace is a pretty good front two in this league.
  2. Yeah, Eckersley was someone I really thought we’d go for. Maybe we did, right enough.
  3. Nah, not having that. He definitely had the ability to play an attacking, forward pass. I’m absolutely not denying that the majority of the time he played he slowed our attacks down and took the easy option, but he definitely was able to put his foot on it and hit the striker’s feet with a pass on occasion.
  4. I actually quite liked Nat, his eye for a pass was noticeable, but he absolutely cannot operate as part of midfield pairing. Any time we played 4-4-2 we were horrendously overrun in the middle of the park because of his complete lack of mobility. Emptying him was the correct decision, there’ll better centre midfielders available to us, but I wish him well in his future career. Never lacked effort when he played. Still cannae believe he’s only 28, tho [emoji23]
  5. McIntosh has done to you what Paul McManus did to us about 15 years ago. Agreed to sign, we put it on our website, then East Fife offered him more money at the last minute and he signed for them instead. We now never publish anything officially until it is completely signed, sealed and delivered.
  6. Victoria will be a good signing, I think. Scored three times against us last season for two different clubs and looked dangerous each time. He’s big and quick but quite raw. Definitely one that McGlynn will be able to mould into a good asset.
  7. Folk are obsessed with offering older players coaching positions, eh? Who says he’s even done any coaching before, or wants to?
  8. Ross County. Was on loan at Stenny first part of the year. McGlynn talked really highly of him after the 1-3 game through there.
  9. There is no danger Kevin Nisbet would’ve signed a new contract half way through a season whilst top scorer in that league without a clause like that. Not exactly like we’d have been able to offer him substantially more money. I’d imagine one of the loan players we’ll go for is Harry Paton.
  10. That was Philip Hagan. Andy Cook was a left back, played latterly for East Fife.
  11. Duggan posted on his Instagram story that he’s away on holiday today. Would guess the club didn’t want him to find out from social media so told him before he left, and given he’s probably going to post about it anyway on his own socials they might as well get the word out at the same time.
  12. Benedictus will be fine once Davidson leaves and we out a competent centre half beside him.
  13. Need to be going all out to her Hendry back. I dunno how many times we managed to get him, Vaughan and Nisbet all on the park at the same time but it wasn’t enough however long it was. Those three fully firing would do damage in this league and the one above.
  14. Would love to get Connolly back, would imagine he’ll sign for Ayr or similar.
  15. I’ve had a good think about it and I’m in agreement, I’d prefer the away leg on Saturday. I love Stark’s midweek games, there’s something about the atmosphere that’s that bit better than usual. As you say, a lead midweek and a big travelling support on the Saturday would be my preference.
  16. I’m sure it’s Wednesday. It better be, I’ve booked that evening off work.
  17. Shaughan’s on the tele these days, speak for yoursel!
  18. Peterhead literally destroyed league 2. No sure anyone is coming up after that.
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