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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. You are going to regret this in the morning pal. I suggest going away to bed.
  2. I've seen you post this a couple of times, I thought it was a mistake at first, but that doesn't make sense. That says p at b.
  3. You'll get a belter of a fruity shite later on. Pips and all.
  4. Awh man, this is the funniest this thread has been in a while. Almost every post is making me giggle.
  5. Did I say it was Michael Jackson dying that had upset me? And to be honest, your comment there is pretty close to the bone.
  6. This whole Jacko thing has opened up old and sore wounds. Feeling pretty shit just now.
  7. Don't pretend you don't like it. Now where's that pirate suit big boy?
  8. I remember reading something on here a while back about joozy harpooning her. It didn't really make any sense to me, but the language used made me laugh.
  9. It is physically impossible to tuck your thumb into the palm of your hand and then bend your wrist 90degrees towards the floor. Are you gay?
  10. I walked past you and you said alright at one point. At the grassy verge to the right of the clubhouse as you look at the pitches. I had this years home rovers top on. The way you looked at me I thought youw ere going to kick my pie in, so I just scurried off into the bar.
  11. I remember thinking the same! Tall as f**k! Monster by name etc etc...
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