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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. I challenge anyone to 'lollerize' that photo of the camel spider with: "In ur cuntry, eatn ur camulz"
  2. I knew this. I believe that they are actually in the scorpion family
  3. Your job sounds fucking immense. I salute you. Ever handled a camel spider?
  4. Bloc Party with 5 of my mates on January 25th! Glasgow Carling Academy! Gonna be awesome!
  5. Going to see him and Breeze at Velocity on November the 15th. Pure cannae wait lod.
  6. Been listening to Kuttsky on Radio 1. He's been fucking quality. Much better than Dave Pearce ever was.
  7. Seriously, you could not pay me to go and watch those c***s. "What do you want for tea? I want cri-isps" Fucking great lyrics Also, "everything is average now a days", ohhhhh the irony!!!
  8. Just in from Velocity under 16's night. Fucking awesome!! RAVE CAVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  9. I'll play you at Fifa! PM when you're up for it. I'll add you, too.
  10. That would be AAAWWWEEESSSOOOMMMEEEE!!!!!!
  11. Absolutely crumbled my ankle first period today in PE and went along to casualty with a suspected fracture. Turns out it's just a bad sprain, but holy f**k, i've never ever felt pain like that in my entire life. Though i was gonna spew and had a really loud ringing in my ears, felt as though i was going to collapse.
  12. First one got set before the summer. And i didn't do them. And i ain't doin them for that boot of a teacher. Fucking arsepiece
  13. Here we go. Found it. Got 5 essays due to for Higher Modern Studies tomorrow. Fuckin bollocks.
  14. It's on the 26th, same night as Velocity. Cheesey quaver fuckin raver!!
  15. That'll be an over 18's night?
  16. Never ever have i known of a grown man who likes them.
  17. Is there still tickets!?!?!?!?!?
  18. That's f**k all. My sister's plane was delayed 12 hours from Glasgow to Majorca. Didn't get away til 2.30am.
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