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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Only just back in from Peffermill pitches after leaving at 10pm. Someone was trying to top themselves on the Forth Road Bridge so we had to go round by Kincardine. Got beat 4-2 aswell :
  2. This is the earliest i've been up since we broke off for the holidays by quite some distance Got to leave for the bus in 10 minutes and it's about -15 outside.
  3. Chelsea removed the bright yellow Champions League training top from their Champions League bit of their store just as i was away to buy it. Got the blue one instead.
  4. That's because you're on the internet. f**k off back to bed and try harder.
  5. Back From Hell - Dan le Sac vs. Scroobious Pip. This is such a post whoring thread, there's no even a discussion of any kind!
  6. Burnt my hand on my straighteners First person to call me a poof get a bourbon
  7. I just got a text from my brother-in-law saying that he saw a sign saying 'super raith' on The Sky darts. Anyone else see it!?
  8. Had a curry earlier on from the Indian and my farts are giving me the boak
  9. That's fine, mate See you there at half past 6. Thanks, appreciate it.
  10. How do i get there? Is there somewhere i can meet you that I would know? Any chance you could drop me in Thornton afterwards? How much do you want for petroleum?
  11. Was meant to be going to the Rovers tonight, but it doesn't look likely now Nae lift
  12. Same! My PTTGOYN is that the Raith game is off, and despite me scoring two this morning, we got beat 3-2
  13. Our maths exam last year had higher stuff in it. That was a fucking disgrace.
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