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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. Joining my current team was a total mistake and i'll be looking to get my contract terminated soon.
  2. No, i don't. It's no me buying it. Surely if i wanted him to get me drink, i'd have sat in the car?
  3. They were on offer, so they were right in front of the checkout.
  4. Last night in Morrison's, my mate was buying 20 cans of Strongbow and 24 cans of Carling for his party tomorrow night, and I was helping him carry them to the till. He's only 18, so he whaps out his Driver's License for his ID. Cue the lassie behind the till asking me for ID aswell. I was absolutely baffled by this, and when I asked why I needed ID for him to buy it, she claimed that he MIGHT be buying it for me. What an absolutely crock of shit. The point I made to her supervisor, when she eventually came over, was that what if a lad of 15 or 16 is in with his Dad, and his Dad wants to buy beer, is that not allowed cause he also MIGHT be buying it for his son? We went straight up to ASDA, bought exactly the same for £3 more, no questions asked.
  5. I want to leave school aswell, but i've got nothing to do until i start college in August. I've lost all will to work, or even try to work, and I know i'm just wasting the teachers time with them trying to teach me. I've started refusing to do work in RE because they won't let me drop it, even though other folk got to drop their subjects and just do 4. I got 23% in my RE prelim, so it's not because I can do it!
  6. Yeah, it will. It means that if you don't have any claims this year, you're insurance next year will be much less. I won't have this kind of cash for when i'll need it, but will next year. Out of interest, i searched how much it would be for me to insure a Quiksilver edition, and it was about £1,150. The picutre of the car that you posted HAS been 'sorted' by the way. The body kit is different, as are the mirrors and wheels. Here's the one i searched: Quiksilver Edition Granted, those wheels are different from the standard ones, this is a standard version: As you can see, different front end, mirrors and wheels.
  7. Aye, £1200 a year. That's as the named, main driver on my mums insurance.
  8. A Saxo VTR. Which, incidentally is what i'm getting, but atleast i ain't bitching about insurance.
  9. Bang on. If you'd bought a 1.0 Citreon AX Neon, you wouldn't be paying through the nose for insurance.
  10. Nae wonder the insurance is that high, look at the shite you've got stuck to it. Take that stupid body kit, wheels and mirrors off, and it might drop to a reasonable price. I'm really fucking angry. As you might be able to tell. My nose hasn't stopped running since about 5pm, my head is sore, and i'm either freezing or roasting. I've now got the wee red dot that you get under your nose when you wipe it too often, and it's sore as f**k. Lemsip ain't working, either. And that bloody STV Jobs advert of those c***s doing the Haka - "Give me a, Give me a, Give me a job" If i see it once more, i will put a shoe through the TV. I'm away to bed, and I AM NOT getting up at 7am for school. Infact, f**k school, it's shite tae.
  11. Hold Us Back - Showtek Sooooooooooooo good!!!
  12. The Hard Dance awards were on last night but it isn't being shown until next week And my phone isn't letting me listen to Kutski's show either, so I have to listen to it thru my ps3 instead and therefore cannae play FIFA at the same time. Bad times.
  13. Unfortunately no! We'll get back to reading The Crucible soon, though!
  14. Found out earlier on that a girl I knew of (friend of a friend) committed suicide last night. She was only 16.
  15. I'm knackered and really cannot be arsed leaving the house this morning.
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