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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. So you'd punch someone and not expect one back? Someone do the whoosh honors please.
  2. No it doesn't. If the situation is correct then, f**k aye, go for it. I'm not a violent person in the slightest, but if a girl stubs out a fag on my face, they're getting a punch.
  3. I'm sure any reasonable women who posts on here would openly admit that if they punched anyone, let along a man, in the face 6 times, they'd expect a gid ain in return.
  4. f**k that, if a girl was doing that to me, i'd punch her in thepuss as hard as i possibly could. Hard enough to dish it out so hard enough to take it back.
  5. Aye you are, you were smoking and didn't want your mum to know.
  6. A wee bit more than 2 minutes. In a car it's about 7, and walking probably about 45
  7. Supposed to be playing football down at KHS in 3 minutes, but i've no way of getting there.
  8. You do realise that this is the PTTGOYN thread, so you don't have to announce why your posting on it, people will probably know why - because you have a PTTGOYN.
  9. f**k sake man, i cannae read this thread without him postings wee insignificant shite posts.
  10. I'm sure it wasn't a random MP. I'm sure it was selected before hand. The mis-use of this word is one of my pet hates. *Waits for someone to use the word 'randomly' in a poor attempt at a wind-up*
  11. No funny, i'm in such a fucking irritable mood, the slightest wee thing is gonna piss me off today, i can just tell
  12. f**k it, i give up, i obviously need to sleep, and i can't keep my eyes open. Next stop, 5am. Night all.
  13. I went to itch my head ther and a big clump of hair fell out. Now, either i'm balding at 16, or i'm so stressed i may just curl up into a ball in the room tomorrow and cry.
  14. I got a 1 last year with minimal revision, nout like this You've got to do four 15 mark essays in an hour and a half in paper 1, then a DME and 10 marks worth of SG level questions in an hour and a half i think it is. So aye, eh, fucking loads.
  15. I'm still revising for my higher mod studs exam tomorrow. Just finished South Africa, gonna work until 2, then get some sleep, then up again at 5 to bang in another 2 and a half hours before i leave. I really, really deserve a C for this.
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