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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. One of the guys that we kick about with in Thornton has to tell his bird that he's playing rugby on a Saturday and doesn't get home until late so he can come out with us at night. Every single other night he's got to go to hers otherwise she think he's cheating on her. Now THAT is clingy.
  2. I've found that completely dingying them can lead to hilarious outbursts.
  3. I'm gonna say just now, MMSM is at mines, so if anything dodgy should appear under my name, then it's him and not me.
  4. I couldn't find a can opener either. I found it eventually mind, in 'the' drawer.
  5. That reminds me of the monorail episode of The Simpsons: "The ring fell off my pudding can" "Take this pen knife my good man" "I say Springfield it's your only choice, throw your hands and raise your voice!" "MONORAIL, MONORAIL, MONORAIL!!" "Mono, D'oh!" I'm away to watch The Simpsons
  6. Incorrect. Went to open a tin of soup there, and the fucking ringpull came off. Dick.
  7. You know what I fucking hate!? When there's been a service disruption on here, and EVERYONE logs onto the thread to say that there's been one. Fair enough if one or two do it, but everytime there's a wee disruption, there's hunders of posts all saying the same thing. OF COURSE YOU GOT ONE ASWELL! EVERYONE DID!!
  8. My ex keeps on texting me and trying to speak to me on MSN. Why doesn't she get it that i'm just not interested anymore?
  9. I love your genuine rage! He was always a bit of a square when it was on BBC. Pristine bowl cut and played chess = square.
  10. Has he still got a top notch bowl cut?
  11. Nooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! What about Lou?
  12. Ahhhh, good old Neighbours. Ain't followed it as much (well, not at all actually) since it made the transition from BBC to Five. I think it lost a lot of the viewers when that happened. Are Susan and Karl Kennedy still in it? Legends that they are!
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