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Hank Scorpio

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Everything posted by Hank Scorpio

  1. This is shite. Lying on the couch with the laptop and a cover. This isn't how it should be
  2. c***s that leave fifa early. Just cause i'm whipping you 4-0 at half time with Australia doesn't mean it's OK!!
  3. Invalid response. The whoosh detractor is now readying itself... hhhsssssssoooooooooooooohhhwwww
  4. It's a company number, so someone is gonna spend a shit load of time on the phone to no one.
  5. Nice one, thanks buddie. How old were you when you worked there? Is that up Mitchelson?
  6. I've asked about a million times, but he says that they just can't stretch the budget anymore I've helped out down at SP loads of times and they know that i'm a committed worker, but there's no money on offer, which is first and foremost, what i'm needing.
  7. Tell me about it pal. I'd do fucking anything. If anyone can help me out, please don't hesitate to get in touch with me.
  8. GTID and keithgy in a meet outside Gay And Proud. Ohhhh the banter
  9. I'd shovel shite for 40 hours a week if i meant i got £130 week in an envelope.
  10. There's so much stuff I haven't got on my iPhone that i've lost :
  11. It also deleted the playlist that i used to sync my iPhone with. What will happen if i plug it in?
  12. I dunno, but there's isn't anything in iTunes, nor within the iTunes folder in My Music.
  13. Something's happened to my iTunes and i've lost the whole fucking lot. Everything. It's not in the files or anything. I dunno whether to smash stuff of cry. Probably smash stuff, i'm fucking raging. Six years worth of stuff, just gone, fo rno apparent reason. Fucking c**t of a shed of a computer. I hope you fucking burn in hell you w**k bag.
  14. If you've got jam, leave a wee drop in the bottom and fill the rest up with water, then stir it and leave it on the window sill. Wasps go nuts for it. I caught literally thousands like this last summer.
  15. I'm trying to revise for higher Modern Studies on Monday, and well, to coin a phrase, NOTHING'S FUCKING GOING IN. Is there any point in revising when it's like this?
  16. It's fucking ROASTING in my room and I can't sleep as a result. The window's open and everything
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