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Everything posted by Adam_Wee

  1. I've recently joined a walking group called The Ramblers. We done an easy walk near Stirling on Sunday and we are doing a Munro next Saturday which is past Fort William. Looking forward to it!
  2. I'm with Simon on this one, how will going to the Vatican help find thier daughter? I find it all rather sad now, it doesn't even seem to be about Madeliene anymore. No doubt I will get shot down for saying this but I was actually cringing watching their interview on Tonight with Trevor McDonald and also when I heard they are off for a trip to Rome.
  3. This is seriously getting beyond a joke. I reckon I have slept for the total of 4 hours since Monday night. I'm half-tempted to give the sleeping pills the quack gave me last week....
  4. Fucking insomnia! I have eyes the size of dug's baws as well! I haven't been able to sleep in ages, what the fack is going on?
  5. I didn't even know you had a little brother Oh, my condolances too.
  6. Buzzcocks - Ever fallen in love with someone you shouldn't have fallen in love with. Story of my life.
  7. I have a step-brother who is 32. Do you think that will work? No worries, I have relieved myself. I felt like I was going to pop otherwise.
  8. I like it My nag, I need a slash and the bog is all the way downstairs.
  9. Once again, if it brings her back, then where is the harm? You need to remember that people like David Beckham are humans just like you and me, and if they have more influence than us, then why not let them appeal? I personally, don't give a monkeys, just as long as she is returned to her parents.
  10. To an extent, I agree with you, but if it brings any news forward, then what harm can it do? He may be trying to bait some folk into plowing money into his company (which it no doubt will due to the British public being as thick as pig shit) but it would be worth it to see little Madeleine back.
  11. Could someone please provide a link to this story. I haven't heard about it. Cheers.
  12. £100 for a meeting?? Jesus man, that's steep! I know of a cheapish one, I deal with him frequently
  13. No no, some fat kid pushed me into a metal railing whilst playing football on Tuesday. Looks like my season is already over. Need to get some scan that will show the extent of the damage Italy is great, very hot and I am only half an hour outside Rome B)
  14. I think I have got some stupid virus. Have been coughing and spluttering all day. Its my half day tomorrow as well Booo!
  15. What a charming chap! Shame I won't make anymore games this season. Thistle was a good 'un to bow out to though.

    Say hi to Maw and the troops for me. Keep it touch too, ya whalloper :)

  16. Oasis - Roll with it B) "Don't let any fucker get in your way!"
  17. Indeed! I'm watching the Newcastle game, it's 4-1 to the Geordies! Been a good game so far
  18. You're funny. I like you :)

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