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Posts posted by Jordo1872

  1. I wasn’t there but by all accounts a pretty dismal performance, but the result as they say is all that really matters. Anyone who was there able to comment on the pitch and if that affected our play given the recent heavy rainfall?

    Another result not backed up by an equal performance then, but when all said and done we’ll be finishing 2022 top of the league by at least 4 points. We’d all have taken that in August.

  2. On 08/08/2022 at 10:14, sonsanorak said:

    If John's fit I'd have him back, we dont have another player in the squad that can play the target man role well.  

    If we are seriously considering signing a slightly overweight target man from the amateur ranks who’s best years are 15 good ones behind him, someone send Faz my number.

    Do they even do XXL squad shirts?

    The dream’s no dead yet…

  3. 36 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:

    Some baffling decisions from the ref today….Booking Long for trying to take a free kick from the wrong place, only to ignore Currie doing exactly the same thing barely 90 seconds later was particularly poor.

    I noticed the ref giving Long the ‘hurry up’ motion earlier in the half and assume the caution was for deliberate time wasting later in the game, rather than for what you suggest. Hence why Currie wasn’t cautioned. Generally though I agree he was inconsistent but the majority of the cards were warranted imo, with the exception of McLean’s.

    4 hours ago, BB_Bino said:

    Iwhat the 2 Captains were booked for I have no idea, in the end it was McLean and Buchanan that calmed the situation down.

    The current guidance following a ‘mass confrontation’ is for sanctions to be given to the offending player and “one additional player from each team”. I assume the referee picked both captains in the hope they’d help calm their respective teams at a time when it looked like the game could boil over.

    Like most I’m pleased with the result but there remains questions over the performance and in particular Faz’s ability to change the approach when it’s clearly not working, as was the case for the first 20mins of the second half when it was clear our midfield duo in the middle were being overrun yet Faz didn’t address it.

    Thought Carsy did well at CH and it’s clear that’s now his best position for us. Long continues to look the signing of the summer with another assured performance.


  4. 22 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I think you might be slightly disappointed in that regard! Apparently he is suspended for next weekend which is a total bummer tbh. He’d be the first name on the team sheet for me.

    A young new signing showing early promise isn’t available for the opening league game? The Dumbarton way. Still, always great to see young guys come in a do so well so fingers crossed. About time we had another local cult hero to fill Gary Fleming’s boots.

    I reckon another two signings through the door and we’re pretty much there. A young left back o moan from a Premiership club, in a similar mould to Paul McGinn please. Swiftly followed by an experienced forward as I think we’re still light in that department. 

  5. Wasn’t at the game but from Twitter that’s another peach of a strike from young Gray. Very encouraging signing so far and looking forward to seeing him for the first time next weekend.

    Anyone at the game able to summarise the performance? 

  6. 1 hour ago, Greenmachine said:

    Would love to see a Sons v Bankies derby match in this seasons Scottish Cup.

    Think it would be a right good game.

    I’d love to see the Sons v Bankies back as a regular league fixture. Would be Graeme at to have proper derby fixtures in the league again.

  7. 9 minutes ago, Sweet Pete said:

    Killie's reason a few seasons back was to make it easier to defend as they were struggling and stop other teams from playing in a more expansive way. 

    I’m certain that’s one of the first things Murray did when he came in, for similar reasons. That’s why it’s a bit baffling we’ve taken that approach this season when you would expect us to be wanting to open games up as you’d be hoping we’re challenging at the top.

    If it’s a decision made for the same reason we’re in for another home borefest of a season imo.

    Taking the touchline out of the stand shadow is an interesting theory but for the one or two games a season where that would matter I wouldn’t see it as the primary reason. Maybe one of our journo pals can ask the question.

  8. Really poor from us today. Doesn’t bode well for the season ahead. I’ll just echo what others have said re lack of game plan and some bizarre tactics. Constant long hopeful balls a strong Stirling team would’ve dealt with all day long.

    Pleased with Long who looks the competent goalkeeper we’ve been missing for a few seasons. David Wilson far from impressive.

    I’d be interested in the reasoning behind pulling the pitch in. At least 3-yards on both sides makes the pitch considerably tighter and imo doesn’t set us up for a season of free flowing attacking football.


  9. So who is going along to the launch night tonight? It’s good to see the club opening the doors and making an event of the kit launch, at a good time of year as well. Hopefully thy make it an annual event and not a one off for the 150 celebrations.


  10. Not overly fussed about Stanger. Looked ok in spells in what was ultimately a shambles of a defence but will be forever remember for the two calamity gaffes in the play-off semi. Good luck to him.

    Id say the recruitment so far has been “ok”. Nothing more and it’ll be interesting to see the shape of the squad come July when we can make a full assessment. What’s obvious is that Farrell will need an immediate winning start to the league campaign.

    I’ll be renewing my ST next month. I feet not doing so only weakens the squad building potential, given we’ll see zero investment from the owners, but respect those who take a different view based on other factors.

  11. Surely the point is that we are reaching out to the wider football community and creating a link that will in future create either first team players or fans! I take on board PL’s comments regarding Club Academy football but that costs money that lost clubs don’t have, hence the relatively small number of clubs operating through CAS. I think the latter is achievable though if the club are building relations with the community. Surely that and other community initiatives should be applauded?

    The above doesn’t detract from the shambles on the first team football side, but there’s a sense at the moment that absolutely everything is negative and the club deserve both barrels on everything. 

    Anything the club are doing to strengthen community relations should be applauded imo. It’s what we’ve failed to do for past generations and it’ll arguably have a more realistic  benefit longer term than the mythical stadium extravaganza on Renton Road.

  12. 4 minutes ago, FifeSons said:

    Also, can we please take a moment to acknowledge that he took Oyinsan and Syvertsen off at half time?

    ”Get the first goal Saturday and it’s game on” - Stevie Farrell (probably)

    To be fair to Farrell, Oyinsan was worse than a man down in the first half. Either not fit or not good enough, most likely a combination of the two. The change at half time had us playing with more width and to be fair we had a decent spell just before and after our goal. Their third completely killed our momentum.

    None of which should change the fact that Farrell should be punted immediately after full time on Saturay. Irrespective of any unlikely miracle.

  13. 50 minutes ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    I've now seen a number of comments regarding the 150th strip/badge, and whilst people are entitled to their opinion it is better if it is an informed one.  So, to put on record, almost every facet of the 150th Anniversary effort has been 'outsourced' by the DFC Board to a four-person volunteer Steering Committee of which I am a member.  Our remit covers replica strips, merchandise, publications, dinners, gala matches, a Hall of Fame intro and a public exhibition.  The DFC Board obviously has oversight and approval and is providing seed funding to be recompensed by sales, but the organisation, sourcing and goods are down to ourselves - all I ask is that we are judged on that basis and not on previous history.

    My particular responsibility has been merchandise and as such a considerable amount of effort had been made to ensure that the gold shading on items is just that, gold.  Jordo mentioned the code number and I attach the Pantone reference which was advised to our supplier.  However, gold can a very difficult colour to obtain on certain items; polo shirts for example, and the attached file relates to the only manufacturer we could find in a search of almost twenty websites.  Similarly, we have drilled down into the yarn colour for the scarves and hats as per the last attachment (see if you can guess which shade was selected....) 

    I hope that demonstrates that 'small details matter' to us too.  We're doing this for the love of Dumbarton Football Club the historic institution and we're not looking for plaudits, but how about putting the trademark negativity on hold guys until you actually see the stuff ?      

    Pantone PMS 1235 Gold Colour.PNG

    BSS Gold Polo Shirt.jpg

    Scarf & Hat Yarn Shade 23.jpg

    Fair post, but please don’t take my earlier response as criticism of the excellent work being done behind the scenes, which wasn’t the intention.

    I think my general point stands though, and isn’t something the club generally have implemented in the past.

  14. I think the point Moonster is making here is that small details matter. The club colours should be defined, correct and consistently applied on all club branding. Every business should operate in a similar manner. We should have a defined gold (not yellow) with a set RAL number and that should be carried through everything we do. 

  15. Faz should have been relieved of his duties after the East Fife game. Zero points from 9 against fellow relegation fodder simply wasn’t acceptable. We are heading one way at present and regardless of the mechanics of it all the decision really isn’t a difficult one to make. Doing nothing and hoping for some form of magical turnaround, when every indicator available is telling you it’s highly unlikely, is equally as unacceptable and if we go down having stuck with it the board will need to carry their share of the blame.

    A change now would give us a chance. A skim one maybe but a slim chance is better than no chance, surely? 

  16. We were poor today and never really looked like scoring. Add to that pretty lacklustre midfield and a defence that looked capable of a mistake at any moment and it’s a recipe for a convincing defeat.

    Ive been supportive of Faz but it’s become increasingly diffuse to defend his position. I don’t think the board will remove him so we’ll plod on to the end of the season in the hope East Fife remain worse than us and Alloa’s poor form edges ours. Next weekend is a huge game.

  17. 4 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I see that Cove Rangers have a sportsmans dinner with Alex Ferguson, Alex McLeish and Dick Campbell booked as speakers. I’d love to see us organise something along the lines of this. I’ve been to a few over the years (never a DFC one FWIW) and they are always very well attended. 

    I agree with this and have been to sportsman’s dinners at the club in the past that have been well attended. The club have two dinners planned for the 150 celebration I believe, that should tick those boxes.

    The key is getting as much on at the club as possible to generate as much income as possible, and that requires a wide spectrum  Of events to cover all tastes.

  18. 17 hours ago, Sweet Pete said:

    The more income the merrier, of course. Doesn't mean I need to like the fayre being offered.

    If the entertainment on offer isn’t for you, don’t buy a ticket. Personal insults against a guy who will be putting on various events that, if successful, will have a net benefit to the club are a bit uncalled for and not helpful.

    If you have suggestions on what you’d like to see drop the club a message. I’m sure positive feedback would be welcomed.

  19. 11 hours ago, DobbiesAgent said:

    If the supporters Trust really wanted to gain more members or hear from supporters/members then they would hold catch up meetings with supporters. I think truthfully they just won’t like what they hear in short. 

    I’m all for constructive criticism, and have said previously that feedback like this can be useful in pushing the Trust to improve, but I have to pick up on a couple of points here that I think are both unfair and unhelpful.

    The first paragraph above implies that the Trust doesn’t really want to gain more members. Come on. Our strength lies i our numbers and the more engaged members we have the stronger voice we’ll have. When electing a new board there was a concerted effort to engage as many fans as possible and an open invitation to anyone willing to stand for election. Like similar requests for volunteers, the uptake was poor.

    You make a similar point regarding people electing their pals. Election to the Trust board was a free and open process. I recall a hustings pre-match in the bar for election of our rep on the club board. It was anything but the closed shop you imply here.

    10 hours ago, DobbiesAgent said:As for the trust, yeah instead of forcing every member to grab the attention of the trust maybe it would be nice of the trust to reach out and say let’s come together and hear and see if we can answer your concerns. As opposed to expecting them to come to you whilst they take the membership fee 

    Are these people that are selected qualified in any way to be a board member of a football club? Or are they just drawn out a hat of who’s pals with who? 

    By any measure the above does cross the line. Is inaccurate and unfair.

    1 hour ago, DobbiesAgent said:but the general vibe there is we don’t have general meetings cause we don’t want to listen to peoples concerns? 

    also, by no way am I shooting the messenger…but as I said and as ballochsonsafan said, maybe that needs to be having a direct trust table set up in The community suite? 
    I know there’s the newsletter etc but that’s fine for that younger generation. Have to consider that we have a huge number of supporters who you aren’t so easily connected via email, Facebook whatever else. 

    We certainly do want to listen. You’re forgetting that the Trust board members are lifelong songs fans like every other fan. We share the same concerns. There is no ‘them and us’ here. There is a Trust table at every home game in Bar 72, but granted it’s maybe not as visible as it could be and that’s something we need to improve.

    We are currently working on a new Trust website which is taking longer than we hoped to go live but BBPF makes a very valid point re social media. That’s the key imo to better engagement, certainly with the younger generation, balanced with a presence at home games to discuss issues/updates with those not social media savvy. However you’ll have seen from the recent Club request that social media volunteers are thin on the ground, and that makes it difficult.

    Equally we need to consider fans not on social media and not able to attend home games. Emails and newsletters allow us to hit that demographic. So all outlets are useful.

    I’m in Bar 72 before pretty much every home game and would be more than happy to make myself available as a Trust rep to answer any queries you have over a beer of two, as best I can. As BSF said previously though a more formal meeting has to have a clear agenda otherwise it’s nothing more that a grumbling session with unanswerable queries and frustration the Trust board with share.

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