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Everything posted by Yoss

  1. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    The Doctor's Wife is available on iplayer for another couple of days if anyone wants to rewatch. Very fine episode.
  2. Ah wait, I think I found it. Do you mean this one? Or this one? Or this one?
  3. Believe it or not I was going to indulge you here, but I'm assuming it's a dafc.net pic, and the site seems to be shut down for 'updating' at the moment. I'd be very surprised if Laidlaw didn't stay first choice, but it makes sense to bring another 'keeper in if we have the funds for it.
  4. Good find, dan. As I remember it, the difference between the two games was that Casa's equaliser was well-merited, whereas Simmons' was a steal. It was an even more critical turning point too (the Simmons one) - Ayr were on a good unbeaten run going into it and had pretty much wiped out our flying start. They then collapsed after that day, lost all but one of their remaining games, including a comfortable win for us at Somerset and a 7-0 from Inverness.
  5. I wasn't aware of that version of the derivation of the term either. But regardless of its origins, it's become a term that is very much associated with sectarian feuding and is probably best avoided. (imho)
  6. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    They haven't been on-screen together yet so we'll just need to wait and see. In the multi-doctor episodes that got made back in the old days of Who, there seemed to be a tendency for the more recent doctors to defer to the seniority of the previous ones. (Partly just because the previous ones were older actors, maybe.) It made no sense, 'cause the more recent doctors are the more experienced ones. But I would think Smith and Tennant are similar enough in vintage that it's not likely to be a major factor anyway.
  7. I'm not so sure about all that. Even though I thought Dunfermline were better than us that season, and better equipped to win the league, my suspicion was that we might actually be better equipped to scrap away in a relegation battle in the SPL. There's every chance there's a lot of bollocks but you can never prove me wrong so I'm going to stick with it.
  8. Fahey was our player of the year the season before that.
  9. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    As for the 50th special - I'm expecting it to be shit. Ditto the Christmas one, just because the specials usually are, and bringing back Tennant and Piper is setting off all sorts of warning bells. But it might surprise me, and I will of course be watching it in any case.
  10. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    First up, I don't believe that rumour. Though if you'd told me in the summer that we'd found nine I probably wouldn't have believed that either, so I'll live in hope. Sixteen episodes not to be found, of the ones that are currently missing? Any Hartnell episodes apart from Marco Polo and maybe The Massacre, I think. I'm more of a Troughton fan so I'd be happy to have all of his stuff. Any sixteen episodes to lose from the full history of the show? I could live without most of Matha's episodes, and yet Blink and Human Nature / Family of Blood all came from that series and may be the best three episodes of New Who. Otherwise, pretty much anything from series 23 (Trial of a Timelord) and 24 (Bonnie Langford).
  11. Yoss

    Breaking Bad

    You utter utter b*****d.
  12. Their wingers had given us all kinds of grief in the cup game, so McGlynn changed the formation, putting Murray in the holding role in front of defence to try and cut off the supply. Which seemed to work although we also got the breaks on the day. Fine afternoon, that, two of the very best goals, and coming out the ground to everyone chanting 'top of the league'.
  13. Yoss

    Breaking Bad

    I think most dream-theorists have acknowledged that it's not what the programme-makers intended. But writers have no monopoly of interpretation on their own work. (Personally I think the fact that he was silent on the matter for several weeks - when he's always done rounds of interviews after previous series - suggests that he was at least quite happy for the conversation to be taking place.)
  14. I'm sure the guy who took the middle one of those three shots is still along at Stark's celebrating his goal as we speak.
  15. Casa's goal against Ayr was a fine moment, and a very important one (as was Simmons' equaliser also against Ayr a couple of seasons earlier, in pretty similar circumstances). But I think Ferry against Arbroath was my favourite of the various recent-ish last minute winners, for no particularly solid reason. Saturday's was good too, mind. The day I can no longer feel the giddy thrill of the last minute winner as excitably as ever is the day it's time to give up on football, and probably on life. Anyhow, things are going quite well at the moment aren't they? All seven players Murray brought in over the summer ('m including Cardle) were in the starting XI last night, and now that Smith has contributed a couple of winners, all of them are doing pretty well.
  16. It's a small squad, we are going to need more cover over the course of the season, and it may just be that the signing has been made while the player is available. Wouldn't read anything into it with regard to the current team shape or tactics. Good luck to the new supporters' group.
  17. Yoss

    Breaking Bad

    Oh right, yeah, I should have taken more note of the second and third sentences. I'll get my coat.
  18. Yoss

    Breaking Bad

    Clearly he "should have" done many things differently from what he did. That's the point and premise of the programme, and many other programmes besides. I don't quiite get your point.
  19. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    Big exaggeration there. By no means all of the series were sent to Sierra Leone, and not all the prints that were sent are unaccounted for - some were shipped on elsewhere. But yes there were a few stories, mostly in series three, which went there and for which the subsequent fate of them is unknown, and it's possible they may have existed right up to the civil war (or conceivably might even still exist somewhere). That's not the same as to say that they definitely still existed, though. Still less is it to say that anyone actually knew where they were and could simply have gone to Sierra Leone and picked them up. (Some details of the last known locations of all copies here: http://missingepisodes.blogspot.co.nz/p/howmanyprints.html )
  20. Yoss

    Doctor Who

    If not the finest, then at least the perviest. (I like the Mind Robber a lot too. And Troughton was the best doctor.)
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