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Posts posted by Scottydog

  1. 16 minutes ago, SLClyde said:

    That was dreadful, absolutely toothless to any sort of fight. Dumbarton were first to every ball. 

    Passing was dire, barely found our own man all night. 

    Just shite all round. 

    Doesn't sound like the team that battered us in the first half on Saturday. What happened to the Clyde 11 that was at Starks on Saturday? They certainly weren't second to any balls. Was John McGlynn right enough about teams raising their games against the league leaders? 

  2. 26 minutes ago, RRFC2000 said:

    The only way you will stop the flares is by banning the whole section.

    Talk about throwing out the baby with the bathwater. 🙄

    I'm pretty sure they are illegal to bring into a football park in Scotland, so here's an idea what about if the Police actually did their job and arrested the folk with them? That'd stop this whole discussion.

  3. Personally I'm loving this new atmosphere at games when these boys are making a noise. There always has been far too many moaners in the Raith support, folks that seem to want to sit in silence and the only noise you'll generally hear from them is when they are being vocal about negative aspects or (my favourite) lambasting the team for playing it out from the back "get it up the park!" you hear, yet these are the self same supporters that were decrying the "hoof ball" tactics of last season. I'd love to see how these tactical geniuses would get on if they were season ticket holders at the Nou Camp, but that's another matter.

    To be fair though this current situation is not all one sided, the "Young team" are playing their part well in some aspects but to continue to do so they have to self police. The Tartan Army enjoys an earned reputation as a hard drinking but generally well behaved lot. Many of the guys are proud to be seen to be non hooligans,  I've even seen a few examples of self policing in action where guys not behaving have been taken aside and told what was what. 

    The club needs support, we need bigger numbers and with greater numbers will come controversy (there's always a few). Some of what comes have to be accepted as a consequence but there has to be some balance. From their Twitter statement it seems the SSB  recognise what is ok and what is not, the question is whether they can better control things going forward.

    A 16 year old pal of my youngest was in amongst it all at Firhill and said he couldn't understand the grief, he was of the opinion "standing on chairs, singing and the odd smoke bomb is only banter" This is a classic example of the inexperience of youth who cant see that the the bigger picture.  Rovers with only 1 home game in Feb Rovers have a serious cash flow crisis and as a result can ill afford to have £1000 or even £500 for repairs docked off the £5,500ish that could be our share of the gate.

    Don't let the nay sayers get you down too much but all the same sort it out guys , you're mostly a sound bunch and everyone can see that you are making a difference for the better on a match day.

  4. 2 hours ago, Rovers_Lad said:


    Difficult to believe that Clyde are paying a part time player that trains a couple of nights a week and plays on a Saturday 52k a year

    Who was the club that offered him a deal that would have made him their highest paid player and who your source thats feeding you what seems fantasy figures?

    I certainly won't be posting it on line, the player knows it the Clyde board know it and the various board members of the other clubs that lost out all know it too!  They were all informed by the player what he wanted and when he signed the deal with Clyde that he was no longer available as he'd got the deal he was after.

    The reason I won't post and name names is that none of the clubs that were after him will publicly admit that they had tried to sign him, the fall-out and potential flack that any club signing him would have attracted would have been damaging enough so there nothing to be gained at this stage making it known it was what they were considering/trying to achieve a month ago.

    At the end of the day you can believe it or not believe it and I couldn't give a fcuk either way, but sooner or later Clyde fans (and everyone else) will find out exactly what his deal is........unless that is that the Clyde chairman is using them old brown envelopes.

  5. 1 hour ago, maxruby said:

    Booker Prize contender 2020?

    If you think it's a work of fiction ask him or your chairman.

    40 minutes ago, HughieMc said:

    You’re so misinformed....... you didn’t mention the Company car and the signing on fee!!!!

    Dunno what the add-ons were but wouldn't surprise me if there was more to it.

    What I do know is he was offered deals elsewhere but none were able or willing to give him the deal he got at Clyde.

    21 minutes ago, Rovers_Lad said:

    Where do you get your figures from?

    All I know is at least 1 other club offered him a deal which would have made him their highest paid player (by a margin), but although they could meet the £1000/week they couldn't offer a length of term deal that could meet his demands.  I have it on good authority Mr Goodwillie's terms were £1000/week and a 2.5 year deal.

  6. On 16/02/2020 at 14:15, TxRover said:

    The question I have is what has happened to Clyde’s scoring touch recently? It’s not that Clyde we’re pouring goals in 24/7, but since the Jan 4 game, something seems different. Did something significant happen in the transfer window?

    David Goodwillie signed a £1000/week contract keeping him at Clyde until 2023 Perhaps with that in his hipper, these days he's maybe sitting back with a large brandies and cigars......cue him scoring on Saturday.

  7. 1 hour ago, MrDust said:

    It was also proven that Raith could've had a keeper in the situation they found themselves in but were either stubborn within the management or the board towards our governing body or spending cash.

    IIRC it was neither, our MD at the time was on the Championship League committee and was so well versed in the rules that it was proclaimed we couldn't sign a keeper unless under certain circumstances (he was wrong) which we didn't meet, he was also so well liked on said committee that none of his peers thought to better inform him, either way it was a contributing factor to what fucked us as Ayr beat us and Dumbarton pipped us to safety on goal difference. 

  8. 18 hours ago, scottishsocceroo said:

    100% Murdoch should go up into midfield, great energy and loves a tackle. Too much defensive responsibility left to Davidson playing with Agnew. Agnew playing off the striker would mean the team could stay 442(11). Playing off Dowds would be my choice, not sure what others may think.

    Very interested to see the line up on Saturday. Hated that weekend with no football, didn't know what to do with myself!


    Would have thought the majority of East Fife fans would have been more than familiar with that feeling by now. 😆

  9. I don't hate it but I think it could be better.

    I suggested a while a go that we should be adopting the old Partick model and doing something radically different.

    Given that the Barca stripe shirts were a hit my suggestion was we want for something that was recognisable as someone else's (a really big team) strip, to whit I wanted the fluorescent yellow Borussia Dortmond strip.  The was kinda what happened but it was little to do with me and more down to the sponsors Tag choosing the colours and possibly the design too.



  10. 9 minutes ago, Jilted John said:

    Interesting view on Hendry, Scottydog. Although I wasn’t there today, I think he’s looked poor recently. He maybe needs a rest. How did Maclean do?

    Where I believe McLean was influential (I wasn't at Airdrie) last week winning headers and flick-ons he wasn't this week. To be fair he was well marshalled by the huge Stranraer centre back who didn't let him win anything in the air all day, Baird had a fairly solid game.  Ziggy was in and out of things, neither hot nor cold.

    Thought Hendry was well off it, his passing was woeful and he was caught in possession a time or two.  Tait was solid and Matthews was on decent form Perhaps resting Hendry and playing Brad from the start will revive his form.

    Davo was solid and Bene did nothing wrong but Miller was poor and McDonald wasn't on top form either.

  11. Ok so not a great surface (not quite moon like but.....) and terrible conditions but it was the same for both sides so no real complaints there.

    Hamill is a w****r, always has been and always will be, he's the reason the Stranraer goal was chopped off, holding onto Thomson at the corner he's just a cheating dick!

    Few of our Raith guys weren't really at it today and those days will be the difference between winning this league and not winning it. Hendry chose today to have possibly his worst game yet and really should have been hooked for Dingwall instead of Tait. Miller wasn't at the races and McDonald nowhere near his best. 

    It was a chance to turn the screw and we passed it up, hope it doesn't come back to haunt us.

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