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Mackie The Staggie

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Posts posted by Mackie The Staggie

  1. 1 minute ago, Mr. Brightside said:

    Considering he has a broken humerus which he has surgery on yesterday, he's definitely not racing on Sunday. He's trying to be back for Brno, but quite frankly I don't see how that will be possible.

    I've long since given up trying to figure our what injuries riders can or cannot race with, you see guys often do their collarbones in only to race a the following weeks with a small mechano set installed in their shoulders.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Aidan said:
    19 hours ago, Scott-Replay said:
    Will probably pick this up shortly. Had 2019 but didn’t play it all that much. The MyTeam mode looks really quite good.
    Do the second drivers for your team real drivers or purely regens?

    I'm pretty sure all the drivers from F1 and F2 are available as team mates.

    Even the myth, the legend that is Mahaveer Raghunathan?  

  3. 4 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Cheers, but I just want paper prints like the olden days, matt or glossy. Are they actually printed on canvas?

    Oh you can get that from them, I've just only got canvas prints done so can't say for certain how good small prints are.  Going buy the canvas I got i doubt there will be an issue.

  4. 22 minutes ago, welshbairn said:

    Can anyone recommend a decent online printer for bog standard snaps, no corrections needed? My nieces are breeding like rabbits and I get sent a constant stream of whatsapp pics, mostly from their Mums tbf, to show their grandma, who doesn't do phones. So when I eventually get round to showing them to her it's an impatient swipe swipe swipe and they're gone, which I feel a bit guilty about. I'm after ease of uploading, reasonable quality and price, and preferably quick delivery.  

    I got a few canvas prints from Photobox which were good quality. They often have a promo code on the go, sometimes it's for a certain product and sometimes it's just a general saving.

  5. Mugello is a very fast flowing track, always watch the Moto GP weekend when they race there as it normally provides some good races (especially the mad Moto 3 race where slipstream is king)

    Qualifying should be good, anyone who decides to risk it and attack flat out may reap a big reward.....or bin it spectacularly.  However I don't think it will race that well, the flowing nature of the track may prevent cars getting too close to each other through the turns and with no big breaking areas (apart from T1 and maybe T12) overtaking may be difficult. 

  6. 4 hours ago, The Mantis said:

    Pre 2004 I used to help out Bryan Munro who did the ICT programme (and County) and I would send him a couple of shots from the away games. After that ICT were in the SPL and the stewards nipped your heid if they saw a camera 😅
    Anyway at that time I had an Olympus bridge camera with an EVF and the shutter lag was terrible. No bursts either. You had to anticipate what was going to happen. The best chance of a good shot was to stand behind the goals at a corner and fire just as it came in.

    I had just got my 70-300 Tammy lens for my first camera and took it to a County friendly.....first and last time, nothing they could do when it was on a public park though.  Have looked at going freelance and trying to get into even HFL grounds it's a bit of a minefield, unless you sign up with an agency it's very difficult.

    5 hours ago, The Mantis said:

    Once saw a shot where a player’s head was sinking into the ball... needless to say, never been able to replicate it 😂

    I've come close a number of times, but never get it quite right.  The other one is Shinty, a surprisingly fast game when viewed through a viewfinder of a camera

  7. 6 hours ago, Ginaro said:

    10fps and 51,200 ISO on the Nikon D500 - how much more of each do you need? :blink: Any more and you're basically into Nikon D3/4/5/6 or Canon 1D X territory!

    Is something I'm always looking for with sports photography, it's amazing that in some of my burst shots, even with the 12 fps I get from the Sony I will still end up with a before making contact with the ball shot and an after making contact with the ball shot.....but rarely the making contact with the ball shot.

    Don't get me wrong, the before and after shots are still fine and perfectly usable especially in the papers, but I'm always looking for that perfect shot.

    And yes the dream is the D3-D6 Range.....but when they cost around the same as a small car, it's only going to be a dream unless I turn this into something more than a hobby which occasionally pays.

  8. I have about as much loyalty to a brand as Mo Johnston did to Celtic just before signing for Rangers.

    I'll often use 2 cameras, the main one is a Nikon D500 with a long lens, the second camera is a Sony A77 mk2 with a shorter lens.  I do have a preference (Nikon) and it's down to the lag on the digital viewfinder on the Sony, when shooting sports that can be a bit off putting.

    I've seen people with more gear than I could ever muster produce bang average photos who then do all kind of things in photoshop to make them stand out, and then I've seen some really talented people use their smartphones to win club competitions, most of the time the gear is only as good as the people using it.

    I will say however, I'm always looking for that next camera to find an extra couple of FPS or better ISO range....and if I can find a faster lens without having to sell a kidney on the black market the better.

  9. 6 hours ago, maicoman said:

    The final scene from "Road" is on another level to Senna  when it was released in 2014  Then on the 7th of July 2018 William Dunlop was killed racing in Ireland   Will not forget that birthday in a while! It is only recently that i have managed to watch "Road" again  To say it was a hard watch is a understatement!  

    Of a similar theme, Closer to the Edge about the TT.  Watching Bridget Dobbs reflect on the death of her husband still gets me, but it was the quick interview they did with Paul Owen that really gets me.  Owen was the next bike after Dobbs and a close friend, and at the end Paul just looks down, says something like "It is what it is" and you can see everything hit him at that moment....the danger, the loss of a friend. 

    Mind watching Road at the time, obviously knew the story but I was not ready for what they showed....hit me like a ton of bricks and eyes where watering, especially with what Micheal managed to achieve after.  For Micheal to still be able to throw his leg over the bike despite everything......yeah, another level.

  10. 2 minutes ago, D.A.F.C said:

    TBF they need to protect themselves and cuffing them isn't a terrible idea until they can be sure.

    Would you take someone's word for it in a country where most people have guns?


    The first lot of cops managed to get the story pretty quick and rushed after the looters they seemed to have no trouble taking someones word.  Also you have a validated member of the press telling them that those guys were innocent.

    It was only when the Call of Duty wannabe cop came in with gun raised did they handcuff the owners.  It's little wonder there's little trust between the black community and the police, even when these guys needed help they still got tied up.

  11. 6 hours ago, MixuFruit said:

    I read an article by a journalist returning to the UK after many years in the USA who said American police are best treated and reacted to like an occupying army which always stuck with me.

    ...that's a bit extreme, it's not like they are flying a predator drone over the city or anything like that....


  12. GTA V is the free game on Epic Stores....I know yesterday everyone logging in to download crashed their servers so not too sure what the status is atm. 

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