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Big G...

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Posts posted by Big G...

  1. The move comes after our top team – headed by chief football writer Keith Jackson - delivered a series of exclusives and hard-hitting columns which have have called into question the way the club is being run.

    Shurely shome mishtake? top team :lol: hard-hitting :lol:

    wankers the lot of them

    Is this why the Glib and Shameless One was carrying out his latest clarion call in the Sun this morning? In case those Truth-meisters at the Record asked the difficult questions he tries to avoid?

  2. Does the term wealth off the radar just mean we ain't too sure how much money they have ?

    Does anyone recall a journalist think it was Graham Spiers who stated the press were aware of Whyte' s status when he was unveiled at ibrokes but would have been lynched if they wold have published it .

    The stand-up guy would have sued them, just like he did with the BBC,.......oh, wait!!

  3. In his interview on Radio Scotland, and in that article in The Scotsman, Regan keeps referring to them as "Rangers". Does he not get it that " Rangers" are no more? "Rangers" are dead. "Rangers" are liquidated ( or almost). This is for the application of a new club into the Football league, and as such should be treatred that way. They should never be referred to as "Rangers" especially by those in position's such as Regans. His comments show him up to be the absolute fud that he is, and has been reading too many Cockwomble books.

  4. If the SFL allow "Rangers" in to div 1, then I'm finished with Scottish fitba. End of. I'd prefer to be in the 2nd rather than the 1st next season, so losing out on promotion by default as a result is irrelevant.

    Have already fired an email off to MR Ballantyne saying pretty much the same thing mate.

    Have referred to him in his capacity as our Chairman, and as President of the SFL

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