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Everything posted by Pesadilla

  1. Precisely why there should be tighter financial constraints on clubs, imposed by the authorities, such as wage caps. This isn't the fault of the Livi fans though.
  2. No like you to weigh in with a sweeping generalisation, is it? By the same token, a huge percentage of Scottish clubs are cheating by spening money they don't have?
  3. Absolutely correct. I'm not sure what his stance was when Gretna went out of business, or indeed if that went to some sort of vote. He'll be berated in certain quarters whatever happens (if Livi where to go bust). The only sensible option would be to run the first with 9 teams. It's far too late in the day to go changing fixture lists etc. I, however, think Livi will be saved, one way or another, and start the season -15pts.
  4. I believe that's what most of Airdrie's fans think [citation needed]. The board would jump at the chance of going up though, simply due to the vastly superior crowds. You are correct. It is a total shambles. The governing authorities have all the vision of Mr Magoo. Disgrace.
  5. 1. OK - So although it was against many fans wishes, that club is OK by you and your ilk. Seems completely at odds to every other argument you make on this board/thread. 2. So there is a time bar on what is considered a "real club" then? 3. This is the crux of why people love a good sneer at Gretna and Livingston, they displaced their teams. Dundee for example would probably not be in the position they are at the moment if it weren't for Gretna, Livi and ICT. All new boys garner a certain amount of contempt as they replace the old guard. You can't see the other fans sneering at AFC Wimblemadeup as you're in that bubble. 4. The fans of Meadowbank and Clydebank numbered in their tens at their demise. Don't let them attempt to pull the wool over your eyes. They were walking dead. Is having a crowd of 10 men and a dog, watching third division tripe for eternity, salvation? The fans at both clubs voted with their feet. Fact. 5. You were interested but decided to make a "give me facts and I'll give you money" gesture. Pretty fucking low. 6. Exactly. If AFC Wimbeshit can claim their history based on their community - so can we. You cannot argue otherwise. For the record, Mr Ballantyne allowed Clydebank to exist as an entity by giving them their copyrighted identity back. We bought their league position. Apparently all is well in Bankie land. Everyones a winner. Not that they'll thank us though..... 7. Untrue. Low. Libelous. 8. Again, you hit the nail on the head. "your club has been torn away from you". QotS must simply be a passing fancy. I see no call for you to post any shite relating to any non SFL club on SFL boards. Hence my request for you to "f**k right off". 9. So, you calling me a Peado in the previous post doesnt constitute an insult. Who loses the argument? I don't think there is an argument anyway. Just me putting you right. 10. I can tell a bore when I see one.... 11. Yeah, I was wearing a KKK mask, Nazi saluting and taunting the black policeman. They were far too busy pissing themselves at a grown man with a bottle of Blue WKD to notice.
  6. 1. Apology accepted. 2. Wasn't near lesser hampden, opposite end. 3. You clearly know very little of the law. Your definition of "trouble" leaves a lot to be desired also. (and yes, it is amusing to get done for drinking WKD)
  7. Really? So, being given a fixed penalty notice for having a bottle (WKD of all things) is the same as being arrested for drunk and disorderly? Outside grounds? Makes me a "known troublemaker"? I think we have a case of slander here! You really better ask that member of my familly what the f**k they've told you. That sort of accusation could land one in serious bother.
  8. My word, you really are quite dim. You're going on about the "fans". What about the fans of Kings Park? What about the fans of the two Dumfries clubs? What about the fans of the Inverness clubs (where, incidentally, there was a huge amount of bitterness and resentment)? Well...........? Shall I tell you? It doesn't quite fit with your myopic view of Scottish football, doesn't fit your agenda...so you choose to ignore. If you're concerned about the fans, what of those who have lose league position to the likes of made up teams like AFC Wimbledon and FC United......again.....that doesn't suit your agenda. So concerned about "fans" that you'd take pleasure in seeing Livingston and Airdrie go out of business, losing probably 2500 attendees to the "dying on it's arse" Scottish game! So concened about the plight of Stirling that you attempted a mild form of blackmail by asking for info on how many had signed up to their cause, in return for you "possibly" signing up! Fucking priceless. On just about every subject you've posted on relating to Airdrie, you say things like we can't claim our past glories as we're essentially Clydebank.....then without even a hint of sarcasm, say you "don't entirely agree with" AFC Wimblebum doing the same! You can't have it both ways! You couldn't spit peas through your arguments, you could build a fucking motorway through them. Your just an unpopular little dick, going round telling everyone how fucking great you are 'cause your a "real" fan of a "real", albeit made up, team. You're exactly the type of bell-end I'd not just ban from football, but have publicly flogged for their self-righteous, holier-than-thou attitude. You'll, absolutely no doubt, be a virgin. But where do you start now? At your age? It all looks quite scary!!!! No, instead, you'll just sit at home, w**k, eat Wotsits and tell everyone how great you are. Maybe one day, Big Ste from AFC Wimbecunt supporters will rape your arse for you, out of pity mind, but I wouldn't hold my breath. In short, I don't like you.
  9. I cannot believe you just wrote that! You are the most sanctimonious wankrag on this forum... Let's see: Livi = Bad 'cause they moved and changed their name. QotS = Good 'cause their amalgamations happened too long ago for anyone to remember. Airdrie = Bad 'cause they did over poor old Clydebank (and the fans are c***s!) Clydebank = good 'cause they're a plucky old team.....despite using their inherited fan power to cruise through the Juniors at the cost of others and fucking over the 'shire. AFC Wimbledon = good 'cause...see above. ICT = good 'cause...well just 'cause...despite the amalgamation. Stirling = good 'cause their a plucky little outfit despite screwing Kings Park. MK Dons = bad 'cause they moved and changed their name. Listen fella, the football world is merely going through a period of change. This has happened before and will happen again. You are simply applying your "moral"criteria which you believe fits the populus model. That does not make your opinion right. I never really liked Livingston, but there are a generation of fans who have grown up with them as their team. I hope if they do go under, that these people are not lost to football. I sure the more cynical older fans of Livingston, will never be back. Now, KFTS, I've said it before, and I'll say it again....why not f**k off and bore some Englanders about your shitey non-league outfit. They might even respect what you say!
  10. I'm afraid the involvement of Andy Gemmel only underlines that statement. I had a better car than him when he was our "Chairman"...and I've got no ambitions to run a raffle never mind a football club. Unfortunately, you are fucked.
  11. Why am I not surprised that your sorry arse appears when there's a club in crisis? Really, I hate to repeat myself, but do f**k off.
  12. Nirvana doing Where Did You Sleep last night.
  13. Impeccable taste, sir. I salute you. (A typical Airdrie salute, mind!!!)
  14. Loud and irritating. Any more and he'll be listening to yours trully pissing on his shoes.
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