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Posts posted by Super_J

  1. Jonathan Franks has signed a deal until the end of the season
    Spoiler with Wrexham. The signing interview suggests we wanted to extend his trial but he decided to sign on permanently there.
    Do we therefore assume he was the free agent referenced once the window shut? (Apologies if it has been confirmed elsewhere as I hadn't picked it up if so).

    If not, all mention of another has been swiftly moved on from eh? Not that I'm for signing someone for sake of it.

  2. Sounds like it's just your sump that's leaking, you'd be aswell asking a garage how much a sump would be to replace on your car. Doubt it would be overly expensive with the age of car, and it's pretty common on Nissans.

    Whens your MOT due? If the price of a sump is cheap enough, you could ask them to check it out at the same time, and get a quote for all the work.

    Just what I would do, tbh, if it all comes back over a certain amount and needs done fairly quickly then I'd start looking at different options.

    Cheers for suggestions etc. thus far lads. I have the option of still taking it to the garage and getting an assessment of that nature done before I dive into buying a new thing so will keep that back for now. It's the oil thing plus the airbag issue that's known about, but I suspect there will be other things lurking.

    I'm looking at different options and factoring in what's been said here so thanks again. Particularly the one that opened my eyes to the fact that yes scrappage scheme might get you more than part ex would for my current motor but in all likelihood it's not saving as much as opting for a larger amount off list price etc which would exceed the scrappage saving even if only getting a few 100 for the current car.
  3. Looking for some thoughts from the PnB collective.

    Had my car for a good while now, it is an old yin, a 54' plate Nissan Almera which has never caused me too much bother over the years (I've owned since 2010). It only has 78,000 on the clock, not much for a 13 year old car I gather. That said, central locking doesn't work anymore, paint work is shagged, airbag warning light been coming on for a while which I've ignored as had plenty of time to fix (no longer the case). It has never failed to start and never broken down on me and I love it and haven't really been preparing myself for the day I'd have to let it go. I don't use it all that often, but couldn't do without a car as I occasionally drive for work and such like.

    I was driving it home the other day and the oil pressure warning came on. Was only about 0.5 miles from home so got it back and checked the dip stick, right enough it was low on oil so planned to get a carton to top up and get it seen to later on (MOT is due before 3rd October). I came down to it yesterday and noticed a large wet patch on the ground next to the drivers tyre etc - so in fact it was a large oil leak, not just low on oil.

    As mentioned it is getting on, and MOT due within next month. I am now of a mind not to even take it to a garage as I think the work that will need done (leak repair and air bags) plus possible other work needing done to get it through MOT that isn't currently known about, will exceed what it is worth, as in all likelihood it might not last the year even if it does get through MOT etc without excessive costs.

    Have looked into it and of those within my rough budget, I know Vauxhall and Ford are currently running scrappage schemes that would land me around £2k for the car in its current condition - far more than it would be worth to privately sell and with MOT date looming. No government sponsored scrappage scheme yet which would open up a wider range of manufacturers for me, although it is rumored one is in the offing.

    So apologies for tl;dr post, but what are people's thoughts? Should I take it to garage to get a quote for the work and then make a decision on whether I feel it worthwhile and take the risk it lasts through? Or take advantage of scrappage deal through Vauxhall/Ford and get a new car. Or is there a better 3rd option I am perhaps not aware of?

    Help appreciated.

  4. That's who I was thinking about. I see he played in the U20 game last night which may just be coincidence. I was actually wondering if Saints would just release him to make him a free agent as he hasn't got a club yet.

    I don't know how these things work but would we not need to pay him his wages he'd get by staying if we release him? Whereas if he's transferred it's just a case of him moving to a new club and we can cease paying him?

    My hope is he doesn't move and Tommy is "stuck" with him so just gets him playing again, I firmly believe he's still our best option in that position assuming fit. That said, heed might be gone a bit after what he's gone through the last couple of weeks, I doubt he'll feel overly committed to the club now if he does stay.

    And I'll conclude by saying I'm very surprised that we aren't hearing of plenty of teams considering taking him on. That's not to say there isn't however.

    I'm rambling.
  5. My mate has just asked me what the term was that was used to describe wee perma tanned, boy band looking, bawbag neds a few years back? I feel like i have a vague recollection of what he's referring to (as in there ​being a term used, i can defo remember the new breed of ned that was starting to appear everywhere). Can anyone assist?

  6. The current back four is first choice now, Scobbie is, was, and always will be, a back up player.

    Gormley had a broken nose, so was allowed to let it recover. I get the feeling Tams right though, he seemingly doesnt look the same player as the one we tried to sign a few years back.

    Would you put it past Tommy to put Scobes back in tho?

    Foster was signed as an emergency with plan for Joe S/Watson to fight it out for RB imo. As much as I agree Scobes should be nothing more than back up I feel if he hadn't got injured then he'd still be in first team at CB and Foster would be on bench ala Michael Doyle last year.
  7. Been meaning to ask for a while every time he gets retweeted onto my timeline but is @craigwlevein definitely a real account for actual Craig levein? Since the first time I saw it I just think it doesn't feel like it is him. Though the patter is extremely banal which I would expect levein to be. If it was him though, as an ex Scotland manager and someone who has managed at his level, I'd expect a blue tick and more than 9.5k followers.

    Also if it isn't him , it is incredible commitment/insanity from someone to run an account posing to be him that isn't an obvious parody for that length of time.

    Anyway, I thought the twitter contingent of p and b would be best placed to pose this query and would appreciate thoughts.

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