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Posts posted by Super_J

  1. Im at work but its a very quiet office today, i'm on top of my work & the main men are away for the day... So, I'd like somebody to give me some interesting or humorous websites to have a look at to pass the day away

    There is a seperate thread in General Nonsense on it but through said thread I got lost for hours in work last week enjoying this site:

    www.lamebook.com - and I am not on facebook so you don't have to be a facebook w**k to enjoy it, you can be a non-facebook w**k like me and still "LOL".

  2. Is Newcastle decent for a one-off night out and can anyone recommend a decent place to stay there?

    Alternatively anyone recommend somewhere a bit different (not Glasgow or Edinburgh) that is not too far away driving for a Sat night out and a nights shaggin (kip) somewhere? For the weekend of 20th November.

  3. Rotherham drawing 0-0 the b*****ds! Stuck £1 on them




    Pompey and

    Derby for £46 back, hadn't put anything more than a treble on for a long time so thought a mini shopping list would do the trick since it was £1 and came so close!

  4. I'm thinking of keeping a little log for the start of this season, see how much I am gambling, what sort of bets are winning/losing and obviously to keep track of how much I win as well if I do, does anyone else do this? Do you find it curtails your gambling if you can look back and see you've lost X amount over the course of a couple of months?

    I know you can get access online to all your previous but i'm talking about any gambling done, I have an online account but don't use it much, prefer to nip to the bookies on a Sat morning and very occasionally visit the casino so quite want to keep track of everything.

  5. Its been a few years since I required a prescription from the docs but the first sneezing fit of the summer hit me today and i'm sick of over the counter anti-histimenes (sp?) as they're shite so i'm gonna get the heavier stuff on prescription that I used to take.

    I was however, under-18 last time I used it and am now working and 23, how much do I have to pay and is it just a capped amount regardless of what your getting? I'll be getting pills, nose spray and eye drops.

  6. Can you not just attach it to the email? I'll be honest, I'm not entirely sure what you're asking here.

    If you want to post a picture on to P&B you can attach it from your computer to the forum.

    If you want to email it, you can attach it to an email from your computer.

    Its more so that when the e-mail is opened the picture appears along with the text, as appose to as an attatchment that requires clicking before it will open. I managed to do it through paint to word then word to outlook then outlook to hotmail so all good though i'm certain I could have cut out a few of those steps!

    Cheers for attempting to decode my request though!

  7. Is it possible to directly copy and paste a photo from say paint or word into a hotmail e-mail? bearing in mind i'm in work and cannot access an image hosting service. Was wondering if I could save it from work to P and B then use it from there into hotmail?

    I'm useless at this sorta sh*t, help appreciated.

  8. Cheers. I had a look, and they won't give me anything too cheap. I think I'm just to go with Admiral and do it online.

    Mate I assume you have used a price compare website? You'd be absolutely mad not to. The only one I use is confused.com but obviously there are loads. The adverts for these places are total w**k but confused.com is superb. Just give them all the details relating to the car and the policy you want and they will give you about 60 prices from cheapest to most expensive, it also tells you what the policy contains in terms of courtesy car, windscreen cover and the like.

    Once you have put all the details in the first time you can then play about with different things and see how it affects the price i.e shave 2000 miles off your predicted annual milage and see if it significantly reduces the price. Add another driver like your mum or dad and see how much it drops (you are still policy holder but they are named driver). I saved about £400 from the orig quotes I was getting with that and ended up with admiral, it also saves phoning places and going through the details many times over the phone, when you see a price you like you click on it and it takes you through to the website of the company and you can phone at that point if you want, give them the quote number and again, the company already has the details and you can ask more specific q's after.

    Long winded post but hope it helps.

  9. Can someone assist me with this one:

    When Darren Fletcher scored for Man Utd vs Portsmouth the other week and the commentator said "There's an arrow from Fletcher?",folk around me watching it laughed, I passed this off without thinking about it. I now see on BBC sport quotes of the week this is apparently a 'joke':

    "That's an arrow from Fletcher!"

    Alan Smith after Darren Fletcher scored for United against Portsmouth. Arrow... Fletcher, geddit? Took me a while as well. (From BBC website)

    I do not get this, can someone please explain the joke to me, it is annoying me no end.

  10. A cool £5 on Arsenal (finally came through as they nearly ALWAYS dick me!), Swansea, Pompy and Man U returned just short of £40, been ages since i posted a win! Thought the Johnstones Paint Trophy final was 2night and wouls haqve lumped the lot on MK Dons, nearly choked on my fookin Corn Flakes when reading teletext this morning finding out they'd already played an i would have won more!

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