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The Minertaur

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Posts posted by The Minertaur

  1. On your main Cowden thread, there is a suggestion in the first post that he'd only have been kept as a 'squad player. No meaning to say that is a typical view but it shows how far he's come.

    Greg always seemed to go through runs in the team and runs on the bench. At the start of last season he was behind Andy Russell in the starting line up (now scoring the odd goal for Berwick) but it's been clear for years that he has the skills and the potential to go far in the game. His twists and turns have left many a lower league defender on their arse!

    When you look at the stats though for his couple of seasons he scored less goals than Lewis Coult and Marc McKenzie who are both now in the bottom 2 leagues. He's upped his game far beyond what I thought he would do in his first season in the big time.

    My driving instructor is a die hard Dundee fan and every lesson he thanks me for Greg :lol: Not worth a discount on the lessons though apparently. :(

  2. Spurs are my online team of choice, Kane is class.

    My mate and I play co-op online as Spurs as he's a big Spurs fan. We had one day where we played about 20 games, winning 17 and drawing the others with Kane scoring about 25 goals :lol: Another player I love in Fifa is Chamakh at Palace who has scored 3 or 4 30 yarders.

    Love how realistic it can be at times.

  3. Over the last week I've seen....

    Taken 3 - exactly what I wanted it to be and exactly what I expected. Kept me interested through out although the 'twist' was not a shock in the slightest. Always love how Neeson despite being rather slow can out run cops/bad guys no matter where he is. 6/10.

    Foxcatcher - I honestly have no clue how I rate the film. I enjoyed it but it has to be one of the slowest films I've seen and in the end the pay off is very quick. Felt Carrel and Ruffalo were fantastic though - considering every Carrel film/tv show I've seen he plays a comedic role he did a fantastic job in a serious role. The Hulk was fantastic as the brother though and the interview scene he did was very well acted. Gonna play it safe and give it a 6/10 as well but on second viewing that might change.

  4. Playing online and 3-1 as Spurs v Liverpool. I win a penalty and their player is sent off. Kane (my hero in this game) lashes the ball home and its 4-1.

    He quits and I get no win. Absolutely fuming. Best I've played in ages!

  5. Got dragged to the cinema yesterday to see Annie. I'm sure most of you will know the plot - foster child meets rich potential mayor. He takes her in for publicitity but grows fond of her. They bond. They sing. They dance. They live in a penthouse suite with the latest technology.

    3/10 - 2 for Jamie Foxx who made me laugh in most scenes he was in and another 1 for Mila Kunis making a cameo appearance in a fake movie premier.

    Take away the music numbers and it wasn't actually too bad a film. Cameron Diaz suddenly bursting into song with Jamie Foxx actually made me burst out laughing it was so ridiculous.

    If you have young children in the family then I bet they'd love it. Otherwise - don't take the girlfriend. Don't take yourself. Don't buy the DVD.

    Next cinema trip should be to see Taken 3. Thank Christ a proper film.

  6. Holy fecking crap.....

    Eps 15 of Season 5.... Gobsmack TV moment.

    Just seen it. Absolutely gutted. So out of the blue and by far and away the best character.

    Wont be the same.

  7. Tammy

    No idea what the point in this was. It was just horrible from start to finish. Lucky if it got a snigger all film.


    Saw this with my girlfriend earlier today. The sort of film where all the funny bits were in the trailer and not much else happened.

    3/10 for me.

    Away to see Cold in July shortly.

  8. I hate that, some of them can't seem to understand why you don't want a cake around 9.30am

    Agreed. Was one neddy girl at my work who would always buy Yumyums from Greggs. (Think its Yumyums they're called) and then moan when people wouldn't eat them.

    I've just had my lunch and I'm away to deal with customers.

    "Oh come on its just a Yumyum. I just bought them"

    Nobody asked you to buy them . Piss off.

  9. The new episodes will be on the UK netflix weekly starting the 12th of August.

    That's going from a couple of tweets from magazines. Superb.

  10. They've released a couple of teasers for the final episodes. Hank looks beyond angry driving a car in one of them. Buzzing for this now.

    We need a countdown to the next episode.

    25 days to go...

  11. Just started watching season 5. By far and away the most addicted I've been to a TV show before. Cannot wait to see how it unfurls!

    Yeh magnets bitch! Heard some amazing lines from Jesse.

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