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Posts posted by WestEndJag

  1. Stick it on lightning. Have people baying for his blood so bad because he comes across untouchable. Just build and build and build the heat and build someone to take it from him.

    Worked before in front of a different audience. Could be doing with using someone like him as a holding pen, until they decide fir sure who next champ us. Joe coffey maybe as guy who takes it off him.

    Could even get grado his popularity back after he was shat on.

    I'm convinced all this square go stuff is gonna get wrapped up sooner than we think

  2. They could bring in the biggest star outwith wwe, whoever that may be at the time (Rey misterio maybe? ) but the fact remains they will still only be a niche. The SECC must have been maybe 50% sold out when they announced Grado vs Drew.

    By that point anyone who was looking to see Foley had bought the ticket, so from where I'm sitting, the pull of Grado in the title picture was what lured people in, with all the fanfare which follows him OUTWITH the wrestling fans. There is not one wrestler anywhere who has the same pull.

    They NEED Grado in a prominent position on this show. However, ultimately he has been offered some sort of deal with TNA. So you know, people can shit on him for that if they want but if this is his work now and he has that opportunity then he MUST take it. Regardless of how people look at it, the fact is that in the context of Pro Wrestling, TNA is career progression. They are an international TV outlet for Wrestling, based in North America, run by billionaires.

    So what do they do now? They need to create some sort of story to pull people in. The Black Label vs ICW seems to be the main road heading in now, but again that's only catering to the actual Wrestling fans. They could been doing with another BBC doc in the run up to this, documenting the SECC and possibly airing around August.

  3. ICW really is living in the late 90s, huh? Amazing how everyone thinks it's a great promo when it's a "shoot".

    No matter what anyone says, that was a terrible heel promo. It was a decent promo if Renfrew and Grado are both babyfaces and they're doing a baby vs baby though, so apologies if that's actually what's planned. It's not a heel promo if what they say is true and 100% fair. Maybe they're planning a double turn of some sort, cause I'm struggling to make sense of this and it doesn't make me want to see the match any more.

    Absolutely my thoughts.

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