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Posts posted by WestEndJag

  1. The Black Label vs NAK for me looks to be the feud which will lead us into the hydro next year.

    Would take a few months to set up but I think we saw the beginning of it with the label seemingly off to "regroup"...potentially bolster their ranks with some new faces, maybe promote a couple of 55 guys to black label.

    On the other side we have the NAK who are evidently nearing closer and closer to beingfaces. They hinted at legion and NAK calling a truce.

    Will be exciting as f**k.

  2. I was thinking Lightning as well but would they want him overshadowing Drew and Jester if they're keeping The Black Label together?

    In my opinion he has already overshadowed them anyway.

    I think he was a pivotal part in ensuring they were both booed going forward from their turn.

    Would be interested to see where the resignation of GM takes Lightning, as he clearly has his place on the show as that mega heel character. Didnt consider him as a Square Go candidate but it would make sense in the timeline of his journey so far.

    Interesting to see what happens, He had been injured for 18months and has recently declared himself cleared to wrestle again so who knows.

    A dark horse winner for me would be Wolfgang.

  3. For what it's worth, my point about Grado was that he is popular among the general public in Scotland as well as wrestling fans.

    He is all over BBC at the minute and always in the papers etc for diff reasons.

    He's simply not just a wrestler who has a niche fan base,

    They dont seem to agree, although god only knows how they would know this when they live in England.

  4. Can I just put it out there that I love this forum compared to the shitty UKFF.

    Semms to be alot of good discussion amoing like-minded fans of wrestling as opposed to the utter w@nks you get on that forum

    Got torn apart on there yesterday for daring to have a differing opinion to them. Ridiculous and borderline bullies alot of them. The mods are just as bad. They just ban you if you say anything they dont like or change your username or sig to something offensive,

    Would lvoe to bump into some of those bams in person one day.

  5. either way, the boy's good. and he is a jags fan to boot.

    I was on the balcony when the guy was giving him stick. seemingly the guy hit him before, and he hit the guy back, and ever since the guys ahd it in for him. I dont think he cares. I saw the bouncer come up and ask if he wanted the guy rejected, and he said no dont worry about it.

    He's on that twitter giving people it stinkin all the time. Always working!

  6. Well steen was my only thought but as you said, has that cool heel cheer goin on.

    I agree with your point about daniel bryan. I guess what bugs me about wwe is that for the most part they force an audience to feel how they feel. For example it starts with editing garneres fan reactions into their taped programming which will then translate at live events. Whereas an indy guy has to do all of that for himself.

    As a WWE guy if you get booed off of half a crowd of anywhere between 5-10,000..thats enough. But in The Garage, for example..every voice matters.

  7. In my opinion being a heel in WWE or TNA where you have a tv platform and commentators to put you over is much easier...which is why i raised this point. The way he walks, talks and wrestless is annoying. He looks annoying.

    My original point was...find me a guy on the planet right now who people hate as much. None of this cool heel shit. People LOATHE him.

  8. was my 2nd time at ICW last night and it was class again, TLC match was quality and so is Grado his thats no the F5 was hilarious. Red Lightnings continues to be the best heel in the UK can't wait for the next one!

    Find me a heel on this planet at this point who garners more heel heat than him. Best in the world at something is a good achievement.

  9. Lionheart vs. Red Lightning,

    I'll go into why this was bizarre later on. The match itself was pure squash stuff.

    Red Lightning wins the first annual square go and goes on to face the champ.

    Right, here's the thing. Red Lightning loses basically a squash, and then gets a post-match beatdown plus his win was cheap as hell. At least TRY and make us believe this guy can do something. Lots of good things in the match though, like the Coffey brothers looking fantastic, Saqib Ali making his debut and instantly having the audience lap up his act, Carmel and Kay Lee Ray putting their differences aside to try and outdo the Gold Label. Chris Renfrew going cane happy. Johnny Starr getting launched over the top rope and into the crowd. The Bucky Boys getting HUGE face heat, and STI getting equal amount of heat in boos. It was a top drawer match.

    Probably their best show yet.

    I was there last night...

    Isn't that the beauty of the Red Lightning character? He always seems to find a way to come out on top. Christ. He aligned himself in a faction with the top 3 guys in scotland for a long time, masking himself. Lionhearts had enough, how long before Scott and Wolfgang suffer the same fate? Its like he has used them to get what he wants. And is slowly getting it.

    Red Lightning got heat over Lionheart in the middle of the match, and near the beginning. it wasn't really that much of a squash?

    That asied, i am very intrigued to see where this is going and let's be hoenst. Scotland needs something fresh at the top and this looks like this could be the beginning of it!

    Also for the record. The BT Gunn/James Scott encounter, you will never see anything like that in the world this year. Absolutely world class.

    Although I personally am unsure of where they will go once the Gold Label story completely ends. That was the main thing that drew alot of people back to these shows and the main thing which has produced so many moments. Can Ligthning as champ keep the train rolling? I think we're all in for a bit of a surprise on that front...

  10. Quite a few Scottish talents have been catching the eye of the bigger leagues recently? We seem to have a great talent pool of young hungry workers here. I only follow ICW and from time to time PBW.

    My partner and I attend ICW show all the time, she works alongside Red Lightning who had a TNA tryout last year and apparently has more recently been asked back this year and is rumoured to be among the guys asked to go to their first developmental camp in OVW. However he has been quoted as saying he does not feel this is for him at this point in his career? And wants to hold out for a few years to see how big ICW gets and use their TV as a shop window for himself to sell to other companies. He has put alot of his own money behind a trip to the states to compete in both the ROH and DGUSA open tryouts to get his name out there and gain experience and advice from these reputable companies. I can see his character and mic skills really elevating him but have also noticed he takes good bumps for people and could possibly end up in some sort of enhancement role?

    Then we have the possibility of Jester, Lionheart and Gunn in WWE. I think if Wolfgang got in better shape he would be a great talent in WWE as he works a similar style. Lionheart would be great in WWE. The guy has worked TNA and WWE in the same year and what a feat that is. amazing. Jetser looks great these days. Must say I am a bit underwhelmed by Gunn since his initiall interest from WWE fizzled out.

    Andy Wild is one of my favourties these days.

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