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Fife Saint

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Everything posted by Fife Saint

  1. I am legend- 7/10 Too many parallels with 28 days later. Decent story if rushed a bit at the end. Felt it could be open for a sequel. Makes me yearn for a decent version of Stephen Kings "The Stand".
  2. I just had Jeff Buckley on then downloaded that and nearly shat myself when it came on.
  3. Queens of stone age- Make it wit chu Niiiiice
  4. I was meant to be going to that but ticketmaster guffed up my order! Serves you right for drinking that poison!
  5. Who the Kings supporting? It can't be Bloc Party but if it is i'm going to shoot my plums at your reply. I live in hope. (Screen wipe at the ready)
  6. Blades Of Glory You look like a 15 year old girl...but not hot. Will Ferrell- King of 1 line genius.
  7. Bloc Party in December. SECC
  8. Am i right in thinking it features in Jackie Brown too?
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