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Posts posted by proud2beabuddy

  1. I was picking my son up in Grangemouth today and a guy decided to walk across the road whilst the traffic lights were at green <_< I gave him a reminder(peep peep) and all he did was stop and give me abuse :angry:

    He had a kid with him and he wasn't interested that he could have got her knocked down,Fucking arsehole.

    Madness. I tooted my horn at a taxi driver a few weeks back and he jumped out his car and started shouting abuse and challenging me to a square go :lol:

  2. What stand were you sitting in? Because if it's the South (Family) Stand then you can't even say so much as say jobby without being given a row. Even that though, that's nothing. In the Love St End last season I had my collar felt by a steward after shouting at Steven O'Donnell for attempting to shoot from 30 yards out, said shot sailed high into the stand. It was the last chance of the game I'm sure and wasted any chance of points.

    "Steven what do you think you're doing? You can't score from there, you'll never score from there!!"

    "HAWL! Stop swearing!" I was top row, made me an easy target. Big fat steward bitch standing behind me.


    "Stop swearing, this is a family section."

    "I didn't swear"

    "Don't lie to me, you did"

    "I didn't swear".

    I was then proceded to be backed up by roughly 10 people or so sitting around me that I indeed hadn't swore, and in the words of one kind gentleman I've known for years, that she was a "stupid cow". :lol: She then backed down and fair enough apologised, but then told me to "watch my agression". :blink: The fact that a large proportion of the stand was looking round as the crowd had gone quiet was a bit embarassing. The following week at school I actually heard a wee guy say to his mate as he went past me "Here, that's the guy that got thrown out of Love St for swearing!". Well I wasn't thrown out, but talk about street cred. :P

    Aye it was the south stand. I know its a terrible thing to say about fellow St Mirren supporters, but since we moved the the new ground there seems to be a far higher number of arseholes sitting in the south stand. Don't really want to move away though as the folk I sit with are a good bunch.

    The stewarding is fucking ridiculous though, in the past I've had a wee midget wearing an orange jacket who looked about 15 years old inform me that "inbred" is a swear word and that if i continued to shout it I would be forcibly removed :lol::lol: I'd like to see you try was my reply.

  3. It seems nowadays you can't even swear at the football! A guy I sit with swore once, then some p***k goes straight to a steward and complains about it. For the next 20 minutes theres four stewards watching the area around us and one of the jobsworth p***ks in an orange jacket is standing there taking notes on a clipboard. :lol:

    I really can't stand jobsworth p***ks like that, they see an opportunity to use their so called "authority" and they're left nursing a hard on. As for the guy/woman (I'm convinced it was a transexual) who complained, get a fucking grip.

  4. Aye, we're kicking into the busyiest part of the holiday season alright! 2,000 Yanks and 1,300 Canadians arrived over the weekend. Another 1,5000 pax arrived between 13:00 and 13:20 today - that was fun! <_<

    I ignore Duty Free and the Departure Gates/Pax all going on their jollies as it would be too depressing otherwise. <_<

    And the reason I hate the Airport Taxi drivers is specific. i got a phone call from my daughter's school a few years ago - "She's not well, come and collect her a.s.a.p.!" So I rush to the taxi rank, jump in and ask for the Renfrew/Yoker Ferry as Garscadden Primary is just up the road from it. Cue growls from the driver about, "Shouldnae be de'in' local fares, should'ha got the bus, waste of ma time, etc, etc" as he'd probably been hoping for a City Centre or a further afield job.

    Sorry - but you're a fúcking taxi-driver - take me where I want to go even if it's just round the corner because I'm paying for it and you are a licensed cab, you chunt! :angry:

    Needless to say, the shag-bag didn't get a tip! :rolleyes:

    They moan about that all the time. The thing they try not to tell folk though is that if they are going on a local hire less than a certain distance then when they get back to the airport they get to jump back to the front of the queue. That certainly used to be the case anyway and it still is now as far as I know.

  5. They are all cúnts! End of! <_<

    Greggs have run out of bacon baguettes, mopey-bas is behind the counter at Nero's so I am breakfastless and tea-less at the moment. :angry::(

    And then Capy lightens my day! :lol:

    It was even worse today! Took ages to get through the masses of taxis today. So much for the credit crunch, I can't ever remember seeing the place so busy. Its absolute murder having to go through the airport at this time of year, particularly annoying as I really want to be heading off on holiday myself but can't as I'm skint. Bad times indeed.

  6. Not at 80 plus obviously, but you are supposed to use both lanes right up to the point where it closes! That said, I never do. I get into the right lane as soon as I see the sign, and help cause huge tailbacks.

    Yeah obviously all lanes should be used until where they close and then folk should merge into the open lane but the way folk have been cutting in at such speed and so close is dangerous :angry:

    Pointless aswell as it only saves them all of 30 seconds.

  7. Taxi drivers at the airport :angry:

    The past few days theres been a ridiculous amount of idiot drivers around the airport. Theres several signs and its even painted on the road every 100 yards what lane you should be in for going to the different carparks or for the motorway but these twats obviously believe it doesn't apply to them.

    Got stuck behind 3 of them who were in the wrong lane so just held down my horn until they moved (exactly what they would have done), one of them even got out and started shouting abuse :lol::lol: They reckon they're the best drivers on the roads aswell.

    Also those roadworks on the M8, why do so many folk insist on screaming down the lane thats closing at 80 mph plus and cutting in in front of folk just as the lane closes? Thats twice in 2 days i've literally neraly lost my front bumper due to some arseholes.

    Rant over!

  8. I have just put 42 litre of unleaded in my van but it is a diesel van,I am going to get the balls booted at work.

    Oh dear :lol::lol::lol:

    At least you noticed before the engine was started. You did didn't you?

    Which is worse? Petrol in a Diesel or Diesel in a Petrol? I seem to remember Petrol in a Diesel not being as bad?

    Think thats right, diesel is more viscous than petrol so you'd expect it to do more damage anyway. Either way, start the engine up and you're fucked.

  9. c***s who can't drive properly. There are mirrors on cars for a fucking reason. :angry:

    I really don't appreciate being cut up and almost forced off the road just because folk are too lazy to check their mirrors. What gets me the most is the facial expressions suggesting they've done f**k all wrong.

    I really hope the twat enjoyed having to sit at 20 mph behind me for a mile and a bit. :ph34r:

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