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Posts posted by proud2beabuddy

  1. How'd you do that?

    I was charging it, and accidentally pulled it out whilst it said 'Do not disconnect', and half an hour later it is still saying 'Do not disconnect' and nothing I do will make it do anything else.

    The only other option I can think of is wait until the battery drains and try again.

    And I don't have the itunes that all the songs are saved on, so if I can't retrieve the music on the ipod then I'm goosed.

    1. Toggle the Hold switch on and off. (Slide it to Hold, then turn it off again.)

    2. Press and hold the Menu and Center (Select) buttons simultaneously until the Apple logo appears, about 6 to 10 seconds.

    Try that, usually works for me.

  2. Congrats on passing your test! If it makes you feel any better, it was four years after I passed my test before I got put on someone else's insurance and it was 6 before I got a car of my own.

    Thanks :D I'm just really frustrated because I was so happy about passing yesterday but got near drowned waiting for busses today. All I was thinking was I could be in a nice warm car right now :rolleyes:

    Hopefully my dad will take pity on me sometime soon and agree to go as guarantor so I can buy a car on finance :P

  3. Aye, it is.

    I was on the way back from Dundee a couple of weeks ago, having pre-booked my seat on the train, and it was 90 minutes late getting in from Aberdeen, so I missed the last connection to Greenock and had to pay for a taxi home.

    Pretty disappointing.

    Thats terrible! It was Greenock I was heading to today but as usual theres a wee bit of wind and the trains are off :(

  4. Did anyone see the 'Jesus Christians' on Wife Swap last night?

    Totally infuriating 'Freegans' who eat out of supermarket bins, live in campervans and generally do nothing but preach on the streets about Jesus and ask for donations.

    I still dont know what they did with the donations that they received and at the same time I wondered where they got money for petrol, clothes and stuff.

    Surely they werent luring people into giving donations towards a Christian organisation and then using said donations for petrol and the like?

    I saw that too, people like that infuriate me. :angry:

  5. Well. I own a Lancia Beta coupe. 1977 2.litre carburrettor model. Its great and it goes like stink. But its really a two seater car although the kids could maybe get on the back seats there are no seat belt points so thats that fucked. Its a runner just now.

    I also have a Lancia Gamma coupe but it`s off the road due to a mouse attack on some wiring :lol: No mice in the garage anymore though thanks to Drummond the cat <_<

    And the car we were using as the family car was a Lancia Thema. But last saturday afternoon I went to take the kids to some garden centre for lunch when I snapped the cambelt bending six valves. Not a particularly big job to sort but I just rebuilt the rear suspension completely and it had cost a fair bit. So the wife decided she was going for a new car and went out with her mother last sunday and bought this Zafira MPV thing.

    I have never driven it. I never will

    You let your wife go out on her own to buy a new car? Thats a recipe for disaster.

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