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  1. Latest poll in Herald shows No falling 3 points and Yes rising by 2, just 14 points in it. http://www.heraldscotland.com/politics/referendum-news/poll-shows-yes-campaign-is-closing-gap-in-race-for-votes.22992382
  2. People who spend their lives talking about mobile phones and phone contracts, I struggle to think of a more boring subject.
  3. An Edinburgh Labour councillor defected to the SNP today http://news.stv.tv/east-central/251633-labour-councillor-alex-lunn-defects-to-snp-in-support-for-independence/
  4. The Auld Alliance alive and well http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ausPqkaATqs&feature=youtu.be
  5. NBC have published an interesting story on an American college student converted to the cause of Scottish independence after interning for an Angus Robertson at Westminster. http://www.nbcnews.com/id/43152363/ns/world_news-europe/t/all-american-scottish-nationalist-why-uk-should-split/#.Upu5jdJdUpM
  6. Another good article in The Guardian today - Ian Martin: Please, Scotland, vote Yes and take us northerners with you
  7. Pretty sure someone posted recently about Liam Dick posting on Twitter about munching shite out of Greggs after training. This sounds petty but I notice he posted about how wrecked he gets on nights out. I thought the days of young Scottish footballers wrecking their careers with junk food and drink were over, but obviously not.
  8. Kevin McKenna's latest Guardian article is extremely critical of Better Together http://www.theguardian.com/commentisfree/2013/nov/30/better-together-scottish-independence-paper One paragraph stood out: "There are many reasons why Better Together would never dare to produce its own white paper entitled "Britain's Future". For how could any Scottish Labour supporter subscribe to a document that would talk of penalising the poor; cutting the taxes of the rich; allowing our defence and intelligence policies to resemble those of Texas and re-introducing a light touch for bankers? Not to mention leaving Europe and telling immigrants to go home."
  9. Has anyone ever been to the Nou Camp for a game? Do you have recommendations for where in the stadium to sit? Cheers
  10. Nicola Sturgeon's Ministerial address to Parliament was great today http://www.bbc.co.uk/democracylive/scotland-25107344
  11. "Who wis it that beat ye? Oh wait... was it Made Up United, was it Urnie There FC, Don't Exist Rovers, a Coupla Wee Lyin p***ks Albion?"
  12. Classic! http://youtu.be/xrqINNOdH8M?t=8m42s
  13. "Navid how come you don't have whisky tastin's in here? I'd certainly come" : "Good idea Pete, what time's good for you? What about 5 o'clock in the morning before I take the rolls in ya jaakey baastard"
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