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Posts posted by Gibby82

  1. 24 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    £30 a ticket for a game on TV and Mark McGhee your manager with a chairman that's refusing to communicate with anyone whilst you're bottom of the league and had 1 shot on target in 4 games. 1200 is impressive all things considered.

    Taking the cup games off season tickets fucked this tournament. Dundee could have let all ST holders in for nowt and still made a nice wee wedge from *** ticket sales. Our sales for tomorrow are pretty shite too, even with the top tiers closed it’s still going to look sparse.

  2. 3 minutes ago, The Master said:

    Willie Miller’s full time “report” from Dens completely failed to mention that Hibs went down to 10 men in the second half. 

    He had no idea Dundee made a couple of substitutions in the second half, James McPake, sitting in a studio in Glasgow, had to tell him. Spent most of the time bleating about Alan Preston’s enthusiasm at Hearts scoring against Aberdeen. Absolute fanny. 

  3. 3 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    A few budding Stock Aitken and Waterman types in the Dons support. Unfortunately Roger Vanden, Jonathan and Denis rather than Mike, Matt and Pete.

    I'll echo @skinny arab above, Fergie deserves great respect from football fans, and although I sometimes was 'a bit put out' at him during his time at the Dons, let's hope the United contingent give him a great welcome.

    Agreed. A lot of Aberdeen fans stayed behind to applaud McLean in his last game. Might have helped that they pumped us 4-1 but still a nice touch.

  4. 9 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    It's quite mad how he became President.

    He was a comedian starring in a TV show about being a History teacher that has a video go viral after a pupil films him going on a sweary rant about government corruption on the Internet which leads to him becoming President.

    He then signed up for the upcoming Ukraine election in response to the TV show as a bit of a laugh in 2019 and then ended up getting 70% of the vote.


    Imagine if that happened to us and Ricky Gervais or Jimmy Carr was elected as Prime Minister.


    5 minutes ago, RandomGuy. said:

    And the poor guy is now likely to be dead within the next 12 months regardless of what happens over the next few days.

    Is it too late to get Ricky Gervais in there?

  5. 2 minutes ago, virginton said:

    Ukraine can't join NATO though so long as it claims territory that it has no practical sovereign control over - that is to say, a monopoly of force.  There is absolutely no chance of Germany for example signing up to revive the ghosts of 1941-45 on that basis. 

    A frozen conflict is enough to effectively bar Ukraine from membership. 

    Is Putin aiming for a frozen conflict though?

  6. 33 minutes ago, Savage Henry said:

    I wondered how long it would take the alt right clique on here to start echoing the latest Gabbard/Pilger/Greenwald contrarian tweets.  

    Having been wrong at every juncture the official line now seems to be Ukraine are a bunch of Nazis and had it coming. Galloway, indefatigably, is now retweeting Laurence Fox.

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