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Posts posted by Gibby82

  1. 19 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Scott Burns and the Daily Record running with Tam Courts is off to Croatia:


    So who's next? Usual list applies.

    Add Gordon Forrest to the list, have heard Asghar is a fan.

    I’m torn between Tony being too thin skinned (lol) for the inevitable shit shower that will rain on his big baldy napper if he appoints his young lad or, still on a mad buzz after Tam Courts was a relative success and him being COMPLETELY FUCKING VINDICATED, maybe that Bond villain ego of his will flick two digits at the naysayers screaming nepotism and get young Adam in the door.

    Jack Ross would be my pick but not sure he’d want to work under big Tone.

  2. 24 minutes ago, Sarto Mutiny said:

    I am fairly sure we'll be unseeded, so I guess we have to hope we get one of the poorer seeded teams. The Spanish, German, Italian and English teams don't come in until the following round iirc

    ETA I am hoping we get into the next round and get Cologne. It's a brilliant city. Not sure if I could make the away game(s) but I'd drop everything for that one.

    Cologne would be great. Amazing city. Though we’d get pumped.

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