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Posts posted by Gibby82

  1. 6 minutes ago, DA Baracus said:

    Nah, nothing like that. You're not getting me at all.

    I mean I can't grasp the total nothingness of it. I cannot comprehend nothing forever. I just can't wrap my mind around it. I'm struggling to explain it, but never existing ever again messes with my head.

    You’re just atoms bumping into other atoms and those atoms will continue to bump into other atoms after your death.

    Not entirely sure if that’s reassuring or not but there you go.

  2. 5 minutes ago, Tony Wonder said:

    There was trouble at a Hearts game a few years ago, I think against United and the police basically told us to increase the segregated area. So the banner is pretty much on police advice.

    The square at the bottom is rubbish, but again, is on police advice due to things being thrown between there and section N. It does look absolutely shite.

    Christmas period game I think. Pished United fan jumps on to the segregated cover, becomes marooned on a sea of suspended polyester before being rescued/huckled by the polis. Was the best part of the evening that, we got pumped.

  3. 43 minutes ago, SGMilne said:

    I'd rather we kept Behic, however, if we don't, it's been a good bit of business for the club. Free transfer, made a decent amount of money from him being at the World Cup and then no doubt sold for a good fee. If he wants to go, then fair enough, you shouldn't stand in his way.#

    Tony Watt is one I'm conflicted about. His goals return hasn't been great and if Fletcher is playing then he is on the bench or being played out of position. And he's no doubt on a lot of money and could potentially be a bit of an issue behind the scenes if you think back to rumours around Jack Ross's departure. But that being said, when he does play at centre forward he can score goals, and so while I wouldn't be upset if he did leave, I would be upset if he left without a suitable replacement already lined up.

    Meanwhile, we've all spent the last 5 months demanding we sign another goalkeeper, centre back and get a defensive midfielder in, and yet under Fox, in the last 11 games we have the best defensive record in the league. 11 goals in 11 games compared to 23 goals in 4 games under Jack Ross.

    Maybe we don't need those players as desperately as we previously thought?

    Agree with all of this. I like Watt too, though he can be frustrating. We’re likely over paying him and the club probably envisaged more goals, though there have been mitigating circumstances. His body language at times means he’s always going to get a bit of stick from our more irascible supporters, reminds me of Andy McLaren a bit in that respect. On a goals/games basis it might make financial sense but would be a huge risk at this stage of the season. Based on track record I’m not particularly reassured Asghar would have a better replacement lined up either, assuming we do.

  4. 19 hours ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Let's go back 20 years for us. We are racking up £20million worth of debt. Signing genuinely world class superstars such as Claudio Caniggia, Temuri Ketsbaia, Fabrizio Ravanelli and players that had recently been capped by the likes of Argentina such as Beto Carranza. After realising, a former player most famous for getting a plate of chicken wings smashed off his coupon by Brian Law was an utter disaster, who did we think would be best placed to take us to the next level? Future Real Madrid manager, Bernd Schuster publicly declares interest, but f**k that, Jim Duffy is the man.

    Fast forward to the Scot Gardiner era. Club legend and man that had led us to record runs is unceremoniously punted as we struggle as Club 12 in the Rangers banter years. We go to announce John Bomber Brown but chaos ensues and he and Scot Gardiner have to run to safety instead of announcing the appointment due to fan outrage.

    And now the Nelms era. Appoints a good manager in Hartley and rightfully gets rid. Who do we appoint? A football commentator with zero experience of management all because he was a club hero. When he doesn't work out, we give it to a former United hero who tries to bring his mate that tried to kill the club previously. When as expected, it all ends in tears, he is on the Tannadice pitch with a United scarf draped round him giving it the fucking big one.

    After that, we give it to a player that had just recently retired through injury because he was just at the club.

    And then. Mark fucking McGhee.

    These are the notable names but some of these don't feature in the top 5 worst we've had over that period which includes absolute frauds like Gordon Chisholm, Alan Kernaghan & Alex Rae.

    Finally, I absolutely adore Jocky Scott. He's one of our biggest ever legends but when we have him the job the third time round, he'd been out the game for a good number of years. The other candidates at that time? Derek McInnes, Michael O'Neill & Craig Brown & Billy Davies (who publicly declared their interest).

    If anyone is worse than us with managers, then it must be some fucking nightmare.


    Was Schuster not linked before Bonetti was appointed, when Jocky Scott was binned? Sure I remember it being in the paper a few days after we lost the last derby that season, 99/00 season?

  5. On 28/12/2022 at 18:15, Bert Raccoon said:

    I did the tango with Alex Kapranos from Franz Ferdinand.

    Glastonbury 2010? Saw him wandering about that year. Seen a few down there, Andy Bell from Ride and Bez obviously.

    Have met a handful of C-Listers. Ricky Tomlinson was pleasant. Irvine Welsh was a good c**t. Kevin Bridges was sound too though his missus not so much. Also Andy Peters at Disney World in 1991. Probably peaked with that one.

  6. 39 minutes ago, Granny Danger said:

    Use any Levitt money to:

    1. Bring in a decent goalie.

    2.  Bring in a decent defensive midfielder.

    3. Bring in a replacement for Levitt (though a loan deal such as his was initially might be a better option).

    4. Pay off Ashgar (that’s if he’s due anything following the Lewis Neilson f**k up).


    Asghar is embedded with the Ogrens. Regardless of the supporters’ views he’s not going anywhere.

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