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Posts posted by Gibby82

  1. I was sitting in that section, there’s no way someone could have shouted that without me hearing it. As has been said the mics are all in the away end (which has always annoyed me actually) so would be strange to hear a fan from that stand at that level. The Hibs fans were calling Tony Watt a fat b*****d is it possibly a Hibs fan shouting that? Needless to say if it is racial abuse from a United fan I hope he’s caught, banned and charged.

  2. 22 minutes ago, Dundee Hibernian said:

    Just realising that the likely cancellation of Saturday's Tannadice match could mean a grand orgy of mourning and Britishness the following week at Ibrox.

    Isn't that a fine prospect?

    That’ll be cancelled too. No way the Currents will play the weekend of the funeral. If the whole calendar isn’t off anyway. 

  3. 2 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    So we won't be off work, at all?

    f**k sake. May as well just call the whole thing off then. She's better than the replacements and that was the only benefit that swung it IMO.

    Apparently not. She’s fucked us right over here.

  4. 5 minutes ago, Ludo*1 said:

    Really worried that this is set up so that we (by we, I mean me) have no days off work. Quick Google suggests that we won't be off except for her funeral which is 10 days after the announcement which would be a fucking Sunday.

    As agreed by the Queen and the prime minister, the day of the funeral will be declared a day of national mourning, although a bank holiday will not be granted.

  5. Will be in New York for the Scotland Ireland game, anyone have a recommendation for a decent boozer to watch it?

    Also, got tickets for New Order/Pet Shop Boys gig at the Barclays Centre. Intending to walk over the Brooklyn Bridge to the gig from out hotel in Downtown - take it that part of Brooklyn is safe enough for a wander early evening?

  6. 4 minutes ago, Fifespud said:

    Is this not what the problem is meant to be? Mulgrew was to all intents and purposes managing the team when Tam was ‘in charge’? Also he previously decided when and if he trained, managing his own involvement. Ross refused so accept that saying he was ‘just another player’. That prompted the players meeting where Mulgrew and Watt told the rest of the team that, in their vast experience of these matters, JR was ‘fucking clueless’. Also I’m told Ross actually resigned, FT refused to accept it, Ross said it’s me or Watt and Mulgrew, FT got the abacus out and it had to be Ross. Declan Glass getting recalled too I hear.

    “I’m told”. Alright Bernstein calm doon. You’ve copied and pasted that from United Mad. 

  7. 14 minutes ago, bdu98196 said:

    Probably an indication regarding the state of Scottish football but if its anyone from the list of usual suspects then it'll be a fucking depressing appointment for fans

    Although the DUtd legend that is Billy Dodds hasnt made the list which maybe shows how shite he really is, cos I'd be delighted if you take him off our hands

    Is John Robertson still involved at ICT?

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