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Posts posted by Gibby82

  1. Is there any precedence of a team having to go to a relegation rival for a third time after the split? We're 'due' home games against Killie, County and Motherwell but having played 17 at home we'll be away to one of these sides again. Killie should get three home games having played 17 away - County, Livi/Hibs/St Mirren and one more. Looking at it the easiest way of resolving this (I think) is having us at Rugby Park again but seems unfair all things considered. 

  2. Play some pretty passes to little effect and lose a soft goal. Season in microcosm. Seem to be determined to give Motherwell’s main man as much space and time as he requires, which is nice of us. Nice is probably the best word to describe us actually. Never thought I’d be pining for Calum Butcher but here we are. 

    Niskanen will be the end of me.

  3. 55 minutes ago, Diamonds are Forever said:


    New managers always seem to claim this. Regardless, why is football the only sport where professional athletes seem to blame their lack of physical conditioning on someone else. If you knew you weren't fit enough then why didn't you get yourself fitter? It's more a reflection of a poor attitude/culture amongst a group of players than it is on the previous manager.

    True. Bit it’s on the manager to ensure the players are sufficiently fit, regardless of personal responsibility that’s a fairly basic job requirement.

  4. Fletcher’s post-match comments from yesterday fairly enlightening, though not particularly surprising.

    we showed that character against Hibs. That’s down to the gaffer. He has come in and filled the boys with confidence in the weeks he’s been here. Our fitness levels and standards; everything is higher. When the gaffer came in, he said: “Listen, you aren’t fit enough”. We knew that. He’s come in and given us a mini pre-season. The boys bought into it straight away.

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