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Posts posted by Gibby82

  1. 16 minutes ago, SGMilne said:

    Yeah, I think history has been unkind to Jackie McNamara. It all ended badly for him and he subsequently had a horrible time of it at York but he deserves credit for a number of things, including having the balls to play guys like Gauld, Souttar and Robertson at such a young age/level of experience, for clearly being the man who got the most out of Nadir Ciftci when he's never come anywhere close reaching those heights ever again, and for the great football we played under him at times.

    Absolutely, player sales and recruitment in the latter part of his time with us was poor (the recruitment in the season we were relegated was simply unbelievable) but you can't only look at the negatives.

    Or you could argue that team underperformed.

  2. 2 minutes ago, Zetterlund said:

    Navalny is/was just a big psyop once the West took him under their wing. The novichok in the undies stunt is some of the most hilarious nonsense of the whole 'new Cold War' of the last decade. Spinning tales of secret agents deploying the deadliest toxin on Earth, which it turns out isn't very deadly, to peoples' boxer shorts and door handles is great for the rolling news cycle, but not so much for believability.

    The MSM would have us believe Navalny was on the verge of bringing Putin's regime down, while in reality he barely had 2% support, and the fact that he was still making TV appearances as you say gives an indication of how much of a threat he was considered to be.

    Wait, you're saying he wasn't poisoned? 

  3. Summit One gives you the observation deck shtick but with some trippy mirrored floors/ceilings and a glass elevator. Good fun. Lower East side and East Village are good for an aimless wander. Aiming to spend more time in Brooklyn if/when I go back. 

  4. 11 hours ago, Granny Danger said:

    Total wage costs increased in the season by 18% yet we were relegated.  It defies logic.

    "Included in the wage costs are the terminations of football management and coaching staff who were replaced within the year."

    Nice wee earner for Jack Ross. Two year deal, seven games. Little wonder he's done with football management.

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