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Everything posted by Gibby82

  1. Had a quick look at United Mad this morning and the Mad-ites have Brian McLean signing for you guys. He seems a nice guy - just the whole 'playing football' thing tends to let him down. Godspeed, Staggies.
  2. Nice to see they're displaying the Van de Graaff generator around the nightclubs of Dundee.
  3. Seen The Fall at the ABC last night. When I say 'seen' I mean I watched Mark E Smith fall about the stage whilst trying to sing his lyrics from a bit of paper, before hiding behind a speaker for a bit, then apparently collapsing at the side of the stage and pissing off. We left about four songs in as the roadie pulled the microphone back stage so Smith could mumble more lyrics like some sort of fucking disembodied voice from beyond the grave. A pished old jakey, I'll stick to his CDs from now on.
  4. Cocaine Nights by JG Ballard. Surreal and brilliant, fantastic writer.
  5. Yeah, come to think of it, me too. I'm a complete lightweight these days. It would be a fucking day out and then some, and one destined to end in disaster and infamy. Off the top of my head, the 26 takes in noble establishments such as the Nine Maidens, The Dolphin, and possibly the Whitfield club. Holy f**k, is the Whitfield clubby still open? A part of me, the sane, rational side, is praying that it's not. I believe, man. I believe.
  6. 26 would be ideal. Start in the town, up the Perth Road, then schemes, Ferry, then town again. Only problem is that it finishes at 6pm, I think.
  7. Reckon you could organise a Dundee 'bus crawl' version of this. Would be a bit of a mind-f**k pouring out of The Troll on to the 18 to Kirkton with Granny Danger and Derry Dode, but a Day Saver is only £3.20. Just saying, likes.
  8. Cheers. Disappointing lack of CAPITAL LETTERS in amongst the bat shit craziness, though.
  9. I'm currently listening to Four Horsemen of 2012 by Klaxons, which seems apt. The next song is The Fourteenth of February by Billy Bragg, the day the oldcorpse when into administration. Made me feel all warm inside.
  10. Five Live. Ian McGarry (who he?) has just said Sky were paying £40 million a year to Scottish football 15-20 years ago. Really? He also suggested us diddy fans will ultimately miss games against Rangers next season. Sticking to rimming the EPL, chief.
  11. Indeed. Doncaster in particular appears to exist in a state of permanent bemusement, and clearly thinks we're all mad. He's like some supercillious English missionary despairing at the recalcitrance of a tribe of rabid Jocks who have told him to stick his scriptures up his arse. The problem is that if this does happen it will be despite the best efforts of those supposed custodians of the game.
  12. Sad to admit, but I think my interest in Scottish football has finally been obliterated. It's survived a generation of Old Firm title processions, unabashed and unchallenged hatred and bigotry, refereees' strikes, ludicrous ticket prices, ridiculous kick-off times, turgid football, overzealous stewarding, and Kyle fucking Lafferty. But I always regarded it as fair and just, and that I might one day see United, or another diddy club, finally break that stultifying Old Firm duopoly. I now know that the game up here is a farce, that my role as a diddy club supporter is to pay my money, shut the f**k up, and ultimately prop up a league that exists purely as a plaything for Rangers and Celtic. The truth will out - f**k them all.
  13. Did my first Munro on Saturday - Schiehallion. Good fun, although the apparently endless scrambling over boulders wasn't so enjoyable. And wearing work boots a tad too small for me means my feet look like they've been napalmed. Neither me nor my mate had hiked before, but neither of us found it too difficult. My feet were really sore on the descent, though. The only disappointment was the cloud that engulfed us near the top, meaning we couldn't see a thing at the summit. Definitely got the bug though, and I'll be investing in a pair of proper hiking boots. Can you get a good pair for around forty quid? And any suggestions on where we should go next, something offering a bit more of a challenge than Schiehallion ('bit' being the operative word)?
  14. The only thing I can recall is Gary McKay-Steven ripping the pish out of him in the second half of our last ever home game against Rangers (we won, which was nice).
  15. Amen, brother. Paddy Connolly was my favourite player when I was but a lad in the early '90s. Pace, goals, a wee trick up his sleeve, a class act. Golac didn't fancy him though (as far as I can remember) and he never quite fulfilled his early promise.
  16. Agreed. The onus is on SFL club supporters to mobilise, get their respective chairmen telt. Fans from the lower leagues have often, with good reason, claimed a moral superiority over the 'Self Preservation League', but that will disintegrate if Sevco is welcomed into the SFL for a quick buck. The Morton chairman's particularly squalid statement doesn't bode well. You're not suggesting Thompson might still vote 'yes'? Any volte-face would probably spell the end of Dundee United, at least as we know it.
  17. We've all been had, lads. This whole omnishambles has actually been a cunning ploy by Murray/Whyte/Green/that porn star/Joanna Lumley to engineer a move to England. It'll be red faces all around for us when 'Ra Peepul are playing in the English Premier League in three years. The boys from Rangers Media will be having a right good laugh at us and our wee diddy tarrier league, no doubt.
  18. Will there be any topless women in attendance? Like those dollies at the darts. But topless. I mean to say, they won't have any tops on.
  19. What a load of shite. Dundee did most of these things. That bigoted fat f**k Harry McLean, then chief executive at Dens, accused the SFL of trying to 'murder' the club, and boycotting away games was proposed on Dundee Mad, and widely mocked on P&B. This paranoia culminated with a 'show the SFL the red card' display prior to a home match, a demonstration organised by the Evening Telegraph in an attempt to placate many of the Dundee Mad types who claimed the paper was carrying an anti-Dundee agenda. Does any of this seem familiar? The idea that Dundee somehow 'took their medicine like men' is revisionist guff.
  20. TalkSport just interviewed some Scottish guys at the Euros in Poland. Asked who they were supporting, one remarked 'ABI - anyone but Ireland', with four of the other five stating 'England', the vox pop ending with a rousing 'Come on England' from the Scotsmen. Guess which disgraced and now defunct football club they supported?
  21. How would that have worked exactly, with the away end sold out? What you're asking for is for United to sell no more tickets for the rescheduled game as they'd have to assume every Rangers fan at the original match would return, meaning United would lose a not inconsiderable sum of money. You didn't charge Hibs fans again, but you were able to cover costs by offering discounted entry to people who weren't at the original fixture (I believe) with ample room in the stadium to accommodate those fans.
  22. Jim Spence seems like a good guy, but I'm struggling to think of any of his 'exclusives' that have come to fruition. The whole thing appears implausible at best.
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