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Everything posted by Gibby82

  1. It's a pattern of behaviour, one apparent well before this thread's genesis, that makes people question your allegiances. You were also one of the most vocal critics of United's decision to charge Rangers fans for the rescheduled fixture at Tannadice. Yet to see you side with Celtic supporters on any issue.
  2. Exactly. Great post. Interesting that this was one of the few posts TSAR didn't reply to.
  3. Never mind the burd with the big tits (can't believe I just typed that) but Seamus actually exists as a sentient being and.......you've met him? What the fucking f**k? I assumed he was just an uber troll created by some bat-shit mad Celtic fan like Sir Roger Casement.
  4. I've learnt two things from this mighty thread today. 1. No one, despite much speculation and conjecture, knows what the f**k is really going on. 2. T S A R is a Motherwell fan. WTF?
  5. Shitting hell! I didn't know this. Other than nipples that discharge lager, she's got the whole package. Almost makes me normal for stalking her...
  6. This. Epic thread, but sadly lacking in gratuitous MILF references, of which the bold Judith is Scotland's foremost.
  7. All of this Old Firm interfuckwittery is most certainly OFF-TOPIC. Be gone.
  8. Anyone know what time Green's CVA proposals will be announced? Sure to be a hoot.
  9. What's the biggest margin of victory in a Scottish Cup final? Celtic 7-1 Rangers, or was that the League Cup?
  10. Griffiths will do something stupid before the final whistle (although not as stupid as impregnating two burds at the same time and then asking them both to move in with you). Overhyped mediocrity. He's quick with a powerful shot and, erm, that's it.
  11. Hibs have been fucking woeful, and Fenlon appears to be totally out of his depth. We dodged a bullet with that one. Self-harming through the roof in Leith this evening.
  12. Id like to see Sandy Jardine invoke the spirit of the suffragettes by throwing himself in front of a bus.
  13. Greetin'-pussed Greg from Off the Ball is a Hearts-supporting Ally McCoist fan. WTF?
  14. Anyone listening to this utter fud on Off the Ball complaining about the show playing Tears of a Clown in relation to McCoist last week? Seething. Rangers' answer to Kevin the Dundee fan.
  15. I imagine he sees the Rangers fixture(s) as a guaranteed £100,000/£200,000 filip to the Tannadice coffers every season, whereas Dundee, something of a yo-yo club over the past 35 years, bring uncertainty and risk. I'm not saying I agree with this, in fact I'd love to see Dundee take Rangers' place in the SPL, but it's probably how the baldy love-God/cold-hearted pragmatist views the situation. Of course, the added variable is that Rangers are apparently boycotting us these days. But then so did Dundee. I'm confused.
  16. I think that's the first time I've heard someone in the mainstream press have a (much-merited) pop at the administrators. Excellent piece.
  17. Can anyone explain to me how Paul Murray meets 'the fit and proper person' requirements considering he was previously a board member at Ibrox? Oh right, it's cause the 'Big Hoose' must stay open. My apologies.
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