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Everything posted by Gibby82

  1. Frankenstien. A deeply flawed novel, but an engaging one nonetheless.
  2. Been cycling for the last few weeks or so. Love it. Cycling through the city can be a pain in the arse but, living on, or at least close to, the periphery of Dundee, I can get out to the open countryside in about five minutes. I've always found jogging chronically tedious, but cycling is good fun. Would recommend it to anyone hoping to get some exercise. Does anyone know if cycling alone will flatten a flabby beer belly? I'm doing about 40 miles a week on the bike, with plenty of hills, combined with a healthy diet with copious amounts of fruit and veg, and much less beer. I feel that bit more solid underneath the flab, but not sure if my gut has shrunk all that much.
  3. 1927 - Charles A. Lindbergh becomes the first person to fly solo across the Atlantic Ocean.
  4. I've recently started to develop hair on my back. At the age of 27 I naively assumed the days of sudden hair-sproutings were over. How wrong I was.
  5. Twenty quid on a treble - Villa, Man City, Dunfermline. The last game postponed, so a return of fifty quid. First win since God was a nipper.
  6. I assumed he was taking the piss. Surely? Would a corpse decompose in Space?
  7. "The big Tesco" can actually be found at Kingsway West, smarty pants.
  8. My missus is 23 weeks and it's been something of a rollercoaster. She had chronic sickness at about week 10, vomiting violently a dozen or so times a day for two weeks, which was quite unsettling, and we had an early scare as well, which wasn't nice. But things are lot easier just now and we're both fairly relaxed - the 20 week scan showed the baby was perfectly healthy, and we're now feeling her kick and move a lot. So to answer your question, yeah, it definitely eases, although tensions will no doubt rise again as the big day looms. Best of luck.
  9. Glasvegas, Friendly Fires, White Lies, Florence and the Machine - NME Tour, Weegieville, 31st January. Sterling line-up, hotel booked, can't wait.
  10. The Clash's debut album - which would be the greatest album ever but for London Calling.
  11. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skulls, or whatever the f**k it's called, on a plane. It was shit. 0.3/10
  12. Lots of love from the people of Dundee: 1. Awa and tak yir mooth for a shite 2. You've got a pus like a well-skelped erse 3. Tell yir mither ya were speaking to yir dad (to any cheeky wee schemie) 4. It's no a dentist you need it's a fucking magician 5. F**k being you
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