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Posts posted by Beachcomber

  1. 23 hours ago, theSilverFox said:

    I didn’t think there was anything in the East Kilbride rumours, Andy was open about wanting to be nearer Edinburgh as he has young kids, Methil isn’t far, East Kilbride isn’t local. Add in the presence of Dick and Malcs at New Bayview it was an obvious choice for him. All the best to him, a great servant to our club.

    We train at the Oriam at least once a week.

  2. He's been injured for months, never played for us this year.

    He looked decent when he got a chance earlier in the season, if he's fit and gets a pre season should do you a turn.

  3. 15 minutes ago, King Kebab said:

    Assuming that this is the reason that Pagey is the only player (so far) that has officially left, in order  to free up a wage to finance this early signing??? 

    Somebody somewhere suggested we might not issue a squad update until the under20s finish, they have a cup final this week.

  4. 13 minutes ago, Fifer4Life said:

    Thought we would of heard some news on a squad update and some new signings


    This silence is surely damaging early season ticket sales and optimism for next season

    Contracts don't end until 31st May, only a handful of clubs have actually published release lists.

    I see Pink is having a question & answer session on Monday 27th about preparations for next season, maybe you can put your concerns to him ?

  5. 26 minutes ago, 1320Lichtie said:

    You’ll be signing a big centre half soon I’m sure.


    On the season ticket - noticed how expensive it was the other night. What’s the script with that? Surely that is well above L2 average or maybe I’m just naive and Arbroaths is actually just low compared to the norm. 

    Yeah the full price is very high and £18 walk up. We've had those prices for 2 previous seasons.

    This year the £250 isn't a bad deal but still high for League 1 & 2.

    The majority shareholder hasn't put a penny into the club going on 20 years, hopefully that will change soon.


  6. 14 minutes ago, Jan Vojáček said:

    I can't remember when I last felt like this for a game. I'm a bag of nervous excitement. I keep catching myself daydreaming about celebrating promotion, and then have to instantly crush it by working out how I'll feel if we lose, and how I'll come to terms with that.

    I've checked the clock about 78 times since starting work this morning, and it never seems to move either. I'm glad we're not in tense promotion deciding battles more often. I can't cope.

    I find the best way to deal with these emotions is a large whisky, I accept this will be of no help to you in you current situation !

    Will be watching tonight as an interested neutral, good luck !

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