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Boghead ranter

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Posts posted by Boghead ranter

  1. The Stranglers were fantastic on Saturday. On top form live and a great set list, it was superb to see them start the gig so strongly with Toiler, Goodbye Toulouse then Grip.


  2. The Stranglers this Saturday at the Academy. Will break the habit of a lifetime and cut short the pre-gig pub visit as I like what I've heard of the support act, The Godfathers, so will toddle along a bit earlier than usual.

    me too, still undecided about busting a gut to see the support though. What I've found on Youtube is ok, but not striking me as anything special.
  3. Cannot wait for season 3 to start. The trailer looked fantastic. I'm really looking forward to seeing the dragons grow a bit and fly.

    For all of you who watch the show and haven't read the books and have managed to stay away from season 3 spoliers, keep that up. That's all I'll say.

    I've managed it so far!

  4. I've signed up for the GSR 10k in October. Probably chicken feed for many of you on here, but given that at the moment I'm at the wheezy unfit mess stage of my running life, it's a start and something to aim for.

    Signing up for a race is the best motivation you can get in my opinion. Tell as many people as you can so you are forced to do it or look like a plum!

    or do it for charity, the weight of sponsorship cash helps you through the training and the race itself, or it does me anyway. helps you through the hard runs.

    Went out for a short 5k run this morning just to loosen off my legs since I'd been feeling a bit tight from my longer run on Monday. Pace wasn't too bad but I always seem to run through discomfort when I go out early in the day. This wouldn't be so much of a problem (I would just go out later) but the couple of races I'm doing in the next few months start at 8 and half 8.

    Does anyone have any hints to make going out earlier on in the day easier? (I'm hoping at least one of them isn't just forcing myself to do it more often!)

    get yourself young kids, who have no concept of time. When you've been up with kids since 5.30/6amish, going out at 8 is like a mid-day run.

    I did my first run since the Glasgow HM today - 3.82 miles. And it was harder than the HM, but this is the start of the road back.

  5. i think we need to keep faith with Ian Murray......the guys he's brought in have generally impressed so far, and he has definitelt managed to get a lot out of the players so far

    I was being flippant and trying to be a bit humourous - obviously I swung and missed :bairn

  6. I obviously have different tastes to most, and I''ll be sneered at by some, but I rate it as their best yet.

    No weak tracks, and I'm between 4 for the best - Black Chandelier, Stingin' Belle, Different People and Picture A Knife Fight.

  7. Anything over an hour I need to take water with me. I am very sweaty when I run.

    I usually take some jelly babies with me on the long runs as well.

    I'm a fan of the jelly babies, the wee snack packs with 6 or 8 in them are ideal. Though I find it incredibly difficult to chew them while breathing like I'm losing a lung.

    I shared the tip with a workmate who was training for a HM, she came back with this story - the first time she was out she was wearing a pair of running pants with the pocket in the waistband, at the small of her back. It was only when she went in to get some jelly babies that she realised the schoolgirl error of putting them in there unwrapped - all the sweat had run down her back and turned her pocket into a sticky, gooey, oosey mush* laugh.gif

    * possibly the same feeling as down the front of her pants ph34r.gif

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