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Boghead ranter

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Everything posted by Boghead ranter

  1. This year's date is 6th October, unusually late. This is the explanantion ontheir facebook
  2. Great Scottish Run 2013 entries for this year Great Scottish Run opened today.
  3. and typically the 'friend' that I suggested Dindeleux gets ripped into has 'liked' the original comment It's right up her street, surprised she never added one of the only 3 words she seems to be able to type - 'oaft' 'babez' or 'huni'.
  4. leave the title alone - we've played like a different team since this topic was started! If it ain't broke, don't fix it. A bit like when Kenny Ashwood shaved his beard off circa 1985, he was never the same striker afterwards (one for the fellow crumbly Sons fans there, © Johnny Graham).
  5. That was my take on it too - there would have been more than one copy.
  6. Judging by the way it's written, DC Thomson in Dundee would be the people to contact. Jings, crivvens, help ma boab.
  7. Thanks for taking the time to post, always nice to have a foreigner's view on things.
  8. I'm really happy that we have a manager that's willing to look at all these type of aspects, but here comes the but. Things like sports scientists, IMO, are for times when your team is 90-95% to perfection of performance, you bring in scientists/nutritionists/whatever to maximise the performance within that last 5-10%, wring every last ounce out. Where we are just now, we are nowhere near that 90%, and what is needed to get us there is hard work on basic fitness levels, tactics and organisation, which is what Murray and Jack are there for. The analogy I can think of is either a swimmer or cyclist who shaves their body hair, so that it makes them 0.1 second faster over the course, that 0.1 second might be the difference between success and failure. However, if our team was a cyclist or a swimmer, they currently have a puncture or are too fat to get into their swimming costume. There are bigger priorities and gains to be made than spending funds on a consultant sports scientist. Again, as I said, just my opinion.
  9. Apart from that, why do people think Saul's a terrorist/mole? It's not an angle I was really getting.
  10. To base the mindset of the 'average diddy fan' on the last few posters is as unfair as judging the average Rangers-supporter mindset by Bendarroch, Carlito, and the few other Rangers supporters I have on ignore.
  11. she's obviously been pumped by Bendarroch 15 months ago.
  12. oooft, page 4148 is the closest I've been to my holy grail of an entire page of ignored user posts. Bennett, Doink, Shades, you spoiled it!
  13. Or as Jasper Carrott once said, it's because this hole here *points to gob* is bigger than this hole here *points to arse*.
  14. To be fair, they can still be a club without being in a league, the club would still exist, just in a non-playing capacity.
  15. the BBC are back reporting floods by having the reporter standing calf-deep in wellies in the water, because we're obviously too fik to understand what flooding is otherwise. Just show us a big patch of water where there normally wouldn't be one (you know, like in someones living room), I'm sure most of your viewers can join the dots. Anyone who can't is just waiting for Jeremy Kyle or watching Skyplussed X Factor reruns (while posting on FB how shite it is) anyway.
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