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Bigmouth Strikes Again

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Everything posted by Bigmouth Strikes Again

  1. See this twit has had his arse handed to him again Makes it even worse when we've got a bigger twit, and can't capitalize. Thank you.
  2. Thought he was a great striker, fast, lethal in front of goal, was disappointed when he left. but don't blame him. Yet more f**k-wittery from McPake.
  3. Is there any decent young central defenders coming through? I will break down and weep if that Forster starts on Tuesday. Thank you.
  4. Yet again more stupidity from McPake. and his 'subbies'. GTF.
  5. Yeah, he built another home along the road for them to live in, while the main one got constructed, the one along the road was smart and perfectly adequate, but no, he had to be the big man, and then it turned to shite, his own fault. IMO.
  6. The guy that went bankrupt half way through his concrete monstrosity, and then his wife left him.
  7. Don't need him, got a Swedish striker banging them in. Thank you.
  8. Top tip, he brings out the queen really early, and if you're not careful will check mate you in about 6 moves.
  9. Played a bit of online chess in my teens, probably haven't played a game for 10+ years but inspired by this thread to get back into it. Rusty is an understatement, download chess.com app and beat Emir easily before getting pumped by Nelson. Will be going for blood in the rematch. Two Queens, f**k you Nelson.
  10. Swankie the fishmonger in the Stobbie was a great lad, used to get anything at cost price, retired now, unfortunately. Thank you.
  11. Been playing Nelson a lot, finally started to beat him, not easy though.
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