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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. I watched Hellraiser 2 last night. A doctor pumps a dead lady with no skin. I've nothing to add.
  2. Bit annoyed at that. Paid £60 earlier in the year for the service and already have a season ticket. Feels like wasted money. ETA: Get why they've done it of course and have no issue with others being able to watch it - Just £60 doon the drain was more the annoyance.
  3. I hope you're right! Then again, the war mongerer was re-elected in 51.
  4. If we come through this with relatively lower than previous expected death figures, the right will characterise Boris as a hero whilst the left will criticise the lockdown procedures and say he's killed the economy. If we come through this with a worse than expected death rate, Boris will be hailed a hero for overcoming this whilst his detractors will say he never acted quickly enough. There's a reason Churchill is well respected in this country and it's because of the war. Parallels with Boris and Trump having their highest ever approval ratings.
  5. The man has been found innocent and the media are still harassing him. Looks like the media learned nothing from the Caroline Flack debacle.
  6. Reading some Italo Calvino. His book of short stories, 'Cosmicomics' is absolutely sensational. The Aquatic Uncle is a must read from it. If you like surreal and bizarre stories, this is the guy.
  7. I've started shopping at ASDA, much better experience. I'd have said ASDA was the 'scummier' supermarket out of the 2 until I've read your experiences. Been to ASDA twice, managed to get the food I wanted, everyone was well behaved and there was a nice wee system.
  8. Think that's a very negative slant. Edge has signed a 3 year deal has he not? People have been saying this will be the last Mania for Taker for about 10 year - And he's certainly not bowing out in front of an empty arena, far too much money to be made. Cena can be used as an attraction, as can Lesnar & HHH. WWE were in a much, much worse position than this in the mid-90s after Hogan left and eventually the likes of Michaels & Hart broke through. It'll happen. The WWE hierarchy don't care if we like the product or not. We're no longer their target market. They're back to targeting kids with the odd tidbit for the older fans that grasp on. Becky Lynch, Seth Rollins, Drew McIntyre, Roman Reigns, Charlotte Flair, Rusev, Bray Wyatt, Shayna Baszler are all under 40 so easily have 10 year ahead of them. Will they be as big as our heroes? No, and they do need a breakout Cena/Rock/Austin/Hogan but they'll continue coasting unfortunately.
  9. I agree with you there, that's an unfortunate and horrible side effect of our fight against a disease that will kill more though.
  10. The Trump/Republican argument. That's why we will do it in waves. The primary focus has to be saving lives. This virus will sweep across the nation and kill potentially millions if we just leave it to flourish.
  11. Don't think you're realising that everything else is secondary right now to saving as many lives as possible. We can focus on the economy and mental health after the primary goal has been achieved. The world is gonna be shite for a good period after this.
  12. I don't think the disease cares how fair it is on anyone tbh. There will be a second wave, unless we stay under lockdown until we've found a vaccination which simply will not happen. We cannot just give up in a couple of weeks and carry on therefore that's the only solution.
  13. I reckon we're in for several lockdowns over the next year or 18 months until we develop a vaccination, we develop herd immunity or the disease just fucks off (Not going to happen).
  14. Taken advantage of the 30 day trial for Shudder which seems like a cracking investment so far (£4.99 per month going forward and a lot of things I want to watch - but doubt I'll keep it long term) Caught a few classics that I've never got round to watching: The Changeling Absolute masterful performance by George C Scott. Certainly holds up and it's a clear inspiration for modern horror such as Sinister and The Conjuring et al. It's much better done than those IMO although is slightly slow in parts. I do think that pacing is something that's gone out the window in modern horror and that's maybe why I found it a tad slow - but I prefer that to the all action horrors we get now. 9/10 Hellraiser This is basically a family drama with a gore filled filling added to it. I much preferred the mythology around the Cenobites than I did the actual story, but the effects largely hold up (Not all the time) and it's a decent story. Currently half way through the 2nd film and much prefer that so far tbh. 6.5/10
  15. It's more if someone decides, 'f**k it, it's only a cough, can't be that and I can't afford to stay off' that worries me.
  16. My other half works in a care home and she's been led to believe that if she suffered from symptoms she'd only get SSP. Luckily for us, we could take the hit in finances if the worst happened, but a lot of carers are just on little more than minimum wage and live month to month. A week of SSP could crush someone. Has she got this wrong? Sounds like it's an absolute disaster waiting to happen.
  17. Don't know if this has been talked about before, but the Global Health Security index which is run by the John Hopkins institute that's been commented on quite a lot of late has us ranked as the 2nd most prepared country in the world for an outbreak like this. It ranks the US as 1st and Italy as 31st for context. Well worth a scan as this was compiled late last year. We'll see how accurate it is in real time. https://www.ghsindex.org/
  18. He was very meh for us. He was nowhere near the level of Nacho Novo, Fabian Caballerro & Stevie Lovell who were all on our books at the same time as Burchill and were within a 3 year age period as him. Even Sebastian Kneissl who we had on loan at the same time contributed roughly a similar amount. Honestly never showed anything of his early promise at Dens - yet Jim Duffy started him ahead of Novo in the cup final. A decision many Dee's still hold against Duffy to this day.
  19. They also don't include anyone whose family don't want them counted on the official statistics according to Jason Leitch.
  20. Ah fair enough, that's a bit shite then!
  21. Aye, that's why I said it was unrelated.
  22. Partly. The stuff about dolphins and swans showing up was nonsense spouted through social media but there is apparently a marked difference in the cleanliness.
  23. In more encouraging news, it's good that there's one very small positive out of the lockdown and it's that the planet seems to be healing itself somewhat. Venice being the most noticeable. Totally unrelated but that in conjunction with the ozone layer being found to be repairing itself is encouraging too.
  24. It's an absolute shocking state of affairs that the likes of BT, Virgin and Sky still have their call centre staff working. Yes, the support team are an essential service if something goes wrong, but the sales team? Anyone who has worked in a call centre know that they are some of the mankiest places going with shared working space. My mate works there and he's had his sales target trebled from last month (It's on a week to week basis) with new cut price deals available to take advantage of everyone being at home.
  25. Not that it matters now, but McPake saying in an interview that he used Ayr coming out and saying stuff like, 'Only one team played for the win etc' on the Saturday was used in the dressing room before the game and at half time in our most recent 2-0 win. Who was it that was spouting this nonsense? Mark Kerr?
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