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Everything posted by Ludo*1

  1. Big Show's cheeser was outstanding.
  2. Eh? You've lost me. That Santino/Kane segment was epic.
  3. Cena for the first time ever, is actually growing on me.
  4. Why did Eddie Guerrero go for Vickie? She's monstrous.
  5. Not saying Austin is innocent, just hate Lesnar's constant jibes about people.
  6. Brodus Clay fast becoming the new Godfather.
  7. His arrogance mainly. Now I know you can probably say that about most professional wrestlers, but Lesnar saying he could take on anyone in the dressing room in a legitimate fight etc and his continual shooting on Austin when Austin refused to job to him are just unnecessary.
  8. Cena bleeding there... I like Lesnar's character better and I hate Cena's character but I fucking detest Lesnar as a person overall.
  9. Any wrestlers you'd like to see return? I'd like to see the return of Carlito at some point, garners good heat and is technically sound and has a striking image to boot - if booked properly he could have been bigger than he was.
  10. There's a few rumours circulating about what WWE plan on doing for next year, and apparently, this is what they want to do, although they will be chopping and changing there mind as things go on throughout the year: Most of it's already been covered in this thread, but thought I'd throw it out there. Stolen from Wrestling Inc.
  11. For Wrestlemania, I thought this was an epic promo: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6DoeBbXORo4
  12. WWE has been total horse-shit for the past 6-7 year, but now it is starting to re-awaken. Rock, Masked Kane, Lesnar - It's all coming back, piece by piece.
  13. Actually like John Cena now, he's just got MGK mob-lynched.
  14. The Miz vs Taker for Mania 29? Undefeated vs undefeated (Since they keep going on about it?) Would be pretty shit in comparison though.
  15. Cole: 'She's like Jane Eyre' Lawler: 'What?'
  16. The Rock's was pretty big, but he was the exact opposite (Supposed to be over, when he wasn't).
  17. Cena to call out Rock, only for Lesnar to answer his call? Only downside with this is they would be pretty much burying Cena after his defeat from The Rock (I presume they can't let Lesnar lose his first big feud). I thought Rock would go after Taker tbh, considering he's part-time, it'd suit both parties. Unless, Lesnar attacks Sheamus?
  18. Yeah man. Watch the end of an episode, he's the one scooting about ruining all those dreams with his water pistol.
  19. 'I OWN YOU!' 'Feel that!' 'I ain't telling you to move' 'You move when I tell you' - What the f**k Mark? This isn't a snuff movie.
  20. Ooft. Takeshi Kitano would have your soul! Really impressed by A-Train and his shaved back there. Liked how he still kept his powerbomb slam as well.
  21. If they can fit in a quality match, I may enjoy this Raw more than I did Wrestlemania! Been awesome so far. Only thing it doesn't have is an epic Taker match.
  22. Errr naw! Every time Rock has appeared he's been electrifying. Cena, admittedly has been good of late, but after years of pishness (Whether he was fed this or not, does not matter) but he's still nothing compared to a part-time Rock.
  23. Can't believe, anyone, absolutely anyone would favour Cena over The Rock. Fucking weirdos.
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