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Everything posted by thisal

  1. Some Kuhn that manages Switzerland and another thats in 3rd rock from the sun
  2. I was waiting for Rinky to come back and tell me when I should post again. Didn't want to sound as if I wasn't a real Leeds fan. Next season, hopefully Macca will calm my doubts.
  3. You edited that and its still doesn't make sense! Anyway I thought you were a Binos fan, but they know you're a w****r as well don't they.
  4. You're debating skills never cease to amaze me. I would call you the master debater. but even that is too subtle for you so I'll stick to calling you a w****r.
  5. Don't take Rinky too seriously, he thinks the Leeds team that farted about div2 in the 80's was some of the best football Leeds ever played and anyone who doesn't agree with that isn't a true Leeds supporter. Hopefully now the team know what's happening they can concentrate on winning the play off and getting the promotion we deserve. And maybe another Administrative defeat will bring the end of Bates days at Leeds a wee bit nearer.
  6. I hope Leeds go up despite the 15pts reduction. legal or otherwise Bates was trying a fast one getting the points off after relegation was inevitable last season. Morally the points reduction should stand and Leeds are still good enough to go up despite it.
  7. He's selling Eland road and moving to headingly to groundshare with the Rhinos.
  8. Thank you a reasonable argument. Although my personal belief and that of the (true!) Leeds fans I speak to, is that right now winning and getting out this division is far more important than pretty football. Wise was doing a job despite being a wee ned. As for Steve Staunton, I can only think Macca saw something in him in their time at liverpool that wasn't apparent at Ireland. Maybe (hopefully) he's a better coach than manager. Whatever it is whats in place now is there for the rest of the season so its get behind them, if it fails hold an enquiry after the season is done.
  9. Who the f**k are you? trying to make out you're the font of all things Leeds. I started off by saying Leeds shouldn't go down the road of appointing a "Leeds man" for the sake of it., you're well thought out reply "plonker" Then you go on to say the worst Leeds team in a 40 year period played "the best ever football" I didn't rise to your insults gave you a chance to put forward your point of view, what do I get more insults. You then slag the manager who would have had us top of the league if it wasn't for the 15 point reduction. When I point this out you say, ah but what about the specific period I've selected. Fuxake Man U AND Arsenal have had form slumps this season. Then comes the best of all " Please stay away from Leeds topics unless you have something constructive to say that actually relates to Leeds" Priceless. Like you Geography (and a love of my first team prevents me going to Elland Rd). But I've been following Leeds all of my life ( A long time.) I've got relatives who are season book holders. So I know plenty of what goes on. Bates is far from ideal (You'll notice I never defended him, just Wise.) But it wasn't him that got us into the shit, he just picked the bones.
  10. That'll be the manager that got more points than anyone else in the division? He got a job in the Premiership over a team in the 1st thats financially fucked get over it. Its going to take bottle to get back into it now. I just hope Macca turns it back round and gets more backing than Wise did at the first sign of a form dip.
  11. Solid argument there, you're actually a bit of a p***k.
  12. Don Revie was great manager who as a good player wound his career down with Leeds. He was successfull because of his managerial abilities not because he played for the club in the twilight of his career. Bremner and Gray might have played some pretty football in the lower leagues, but to say this "some of the best ever football" is stretching it. Jimmy Armfield got Leeds to the European cup final, Howard Wilkinson won the league. But they weren't leeds men so they couldn't compete with the 2nd division glory years of Bremner and Gray. You're right I'm a plonker. We should be looking for the best manager available to us, not the manager that played most games for Leeds.
  13. Do you really think Wise deserves that. I'm seriously worried that Bassett will get the job. Oh no here we go again. Can you remind me how many trophy's REAL Leeds men have actually won for us?
  14. Eh? No we haven't, unless you mean since they changed the name to league 1, then thats hardly an achievement.
  15. No I'm refering to Carlisles Record attendance, 27500 FA cup v Boro' in 1970 (also v Birmingham). There were throw ins and none of the goalkeepers smoked a pipe.
  16. No it wasn't. Also I would doubt any records will be broken.
  17. They've changed tactics, they're making us play with 9 men now to give everyone else a chance.
  18. -3 and climbing the mighty Leeds are on the turn.
  19. What is this thing with putting ice in cider? Ice? Cider? Wrong.
  20. Wee bit of advice Sam. People who encourage you to get drunk wind you up and point you towards your boss are not friends. keep a close eye on them.
  21. A wee something to cheer us up. He actually scored 2 in this game the 2nd is in a clip called tiger feet.
  22. A thread in the top 5's was asking for the best goals from their favourite player. Reminded me of the two goals Eddie Gray scored against Burnley. First a chip from the edge of the box. second a dribble in from the by-line. Does anyone have a link?
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