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Everything posted by thisal

  1. Ya eejit. that's not the local news section its the lonely hearts section. Pile in guys.
  2. It's not. Your post is the perfect example. We're not boigotted, not like those Proddy bassas.
  3. As I've said before the Scots and irish have been moving back and forward for over 1000 years. It's just that some people seem to choose where their descendants were in 1690 as an identifier. very sad.
  4. A good friend of mine almost named his child Matthew (Brown) until his brother pointed out he was naming him after a tin of paint.
  5. If English, German and French fans can put up with 1000's of Scots in their home sections, I think it's only fair Scotland fans extend the same courtesy.
  6. I'm huge fan of leaving shopping trolleys against shit parkers cars. The seethe it causes is immense.
  7. FFS not content with Syria and iraq they're taking over space as well now.
  8. This threads shit. Why did you lot not keep the last one?
  9. I can see your point re St J and Aberdeen, but Motherwell in both legs were atrocious.
  10. Being a shite dad. I'm a bad mummy S'up champ? S'up hon? Facebook.!!
  11. I'm sure there are bigots who happen to support Motherwell and others. I know of one person who used to follow Thistle and was a member of the OO. But there are 1000's who follow Rangers BECAUSE they are bigots. Do you see the difference?
  12. I've always associated that one with Edinburgh. In particular John Hughes.
  13. Nothing much. The venom and unexpectness made it all the better.
  14. Unfortunately I can't find the original post and I couldn't to it justice of the top of my head. Anyone still have the original post?
  15. You're taking the piss or you must be the only person on P&B that doesn't know the 12 Ruel St quote.
  16. Is Ruel St not in Toryglen? If not ignore me.
  17. Is that because while he's getting his c**t kicked in again you'd be able to do a runner?
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