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Posts posted by rockson

  1. 2 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Moving away from prices for a second...

    Where has this notion come from that if we get relegated we are all of a sudden going to nose dive into the Lowland League? There is absolutely nothing to remotely suggest this would be the case.

    Just because Cowdenbeath are giving it their best shot doesn't mean it's the norm.

    The last time we got relegated from tier 2 to 3 we went down again the following year and finished bottom of the lowest Division the year after.  So fear it. I certainly do.

  2. 11 hours ago, GoTeamGaz said:

    Firstly, gold tops & black shorts are our colours ya bunch of heathens.


    I beg to disagree. Black and Gold hooped shirts with white shorts are our traditional colours. But I absolutely love a white shirt with black and gold banding/diagonal stripes.

  3. 7 hours ago, O'Kelly Isley III said:

    Is anyone else getting a bit nervous ?  We could really do with beating Dunfermline on Saturday just to maintain some distance with Raith and Ayr especially, but that will maybe be easier said than done :unsure:

    Don't you get nervous every game?

    I think the only time I haven't been nervous about a game was during that run of 2-0 wins in the promotion season 2008-9.

    (Well there was that whole period of a year we went without a win from autumn 1996 till just about winter 1997 but there weren't nerves then, just resignation.)

  4. I was in a junk/second hand warehouse place today and picked up an issue of Goal magazine.

    Thumbing through it I came across the Sons' league placing that week in November 1973.


    In the top Division.

    The previous Saturday's results were given towards the end. Dumbarton 3-0 Motherwell.

    The Sons team was given as Williams, C McAdam, Wilkinson, Menzies, Cushley, Ruddy, Coleman, Wallace, McCormack, Patterson, Heron. John Bourke came on as a sub for Peter Coleman and Johnny Graham for Brian Heron. Scorers were Heron, Bourke and McCormack.

    Those were the days, eh? I believe we finished tenth that season.

    Doubt we'll see their like again.

  5. 6 hours ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Never before have I experienced a manager being so negative about our prosepects before a ball was kicked.

    Paul Martin spent a whole season saying we couldn't compete with the other teams in the division because they were full-time - and that was in a division one lower than where we are now.


  6. 5 hours ago, microdave said:

    It was 11 months until we beat Clyde but it was over a year before we won again at home. A 1-0 win against Berwick on November 23rd.

    I remembered it as beating Alloa away rather than Clyde and definitely more than a year without a win .... but it was over twenty years ago now.

  7. 3 hours ago, Sonsteam of 08 said:

    To blame Martin for rolling the ball out to a centre-half when it was obvious his long kicking wasn't working is a bit mental. If Wright wasn't comfortable he shouldn't have made himself available, or should have got rid of the ball as soon as he got it.

    He always drinks his Lucozade, then washes his mouth out with water (spitting that out), carefully puts both back on his towel and dries off the fingers he used to open it on the towel. It's the most care and attention I've ever seen a 'keeper put into his in-net equipment. 

    His kicking on pass-backs was okay though. It was his goal-kicks that were woeful.

  8. 22 minutes ago, BallochSonsFan said:


    Alan Martin looks to be a very useful keeper but his kicking isn't great.

    Martin had one great save and several good ones. I agree about his kicking and I also thought he didn't dominate his penalty area enough. We looked very vulnerable at corners because he didn't come off his line. And he should have hoofed that ball instead of playing it to Frazer Wright (who is himself clearly carrying an injury) before the mistake at their third.

    And...... he takes an incredible number of drinks. Every stoppage (barring corners and free kicks in our half) he was sipping away at his bottle.

    Way better than Mark Brown though.

  9. Just done a wee check there and we did indeed get beaten 4-1 by Dunfermline in Oct 2nd 1993. I think this was the game I recall.

    I remember a game at East End where we had two men sent off, but we went on to score two goals - one a peach by Ray Blair - and win at a canter. That Dunfermline team was the worst Pars side I've ever seen. Against nine men they still played four at the back (and couldn't pass the ball to a team mate.)

  10. May have been a 4v3 League Cup defeat at home to Arbroath in August '59.  A Sons side featuring veteran ex-Hearts star Freddie Glidden and future Scotland manager John Prentice, lost to a last minute goal from Arbroath legend Dave Easson.  Sadly, history repeated itself a few years later. A 4v3 home defeat to Arbroath in Dec '67.  Ex-Third Lanark winger Ian Henderson scored a hat-trick for us, but the Lichties equalised late on, then the prolific Jimmy Jack hit a last minute winner :(

    '59 sounds about right but I remember my Dad saying Jimmy Jack had scored the goal. Perhaps I'm getting the two games confused.

  11. I cannot see how after the struggle Meadowbank had to attract support how decades later with all the other attractions computer games etc it will be any different this time.That said im looking forward to going despite how awful it was in the 70s 80s 90s.....

    Historically Edinburgh clubs other than Hearts and Hibs have struggled. Okay, St Bernards won the Scottish Cup in 1895 but their fortunes declined from then on. Leith Athletic didn't fare too well either. Meadowbank decamped to Livingston to get out of the big two's shadows.

    I wish City well though.

  12. First game sometime mid 1950s. Not sure if we even had covered terracings then. There was only that tiny stand which held about three people if you held in your breath. Bunnets were compulsory even if you were only three and anybody over the age of eight who was not smoking capstan full strength was regarded as soft. I remember a pigeon was sent at half time to the evening citizen with the half time result.

    Me too but maybe a couple of seasons later. You forgot to mention the black and gold hooped shirts and white shorts. (The game was a defeat to Arbroath for whom Jimmy Jack scored late on. I was inconsolable.)

  13. Wilf is correct about the Albion Rovers game. By the time we played them in the return fixture at Cliftonhill Rovers were sporting a strip of darker hue. To be exact, according to Beanzie, who was standing along from me in his usual "refreshed" disposition , "diarrhoea yellow". Beanzie was the only ballboy ever to be sent off at Boghead in his younger days. I don't ever remember us playing in an all white strip at home between 1970 and 1973, when I never missed a home game. A little earlier than that, I do have an inkling that we might have worn an all red top, with white shorts and red socks, as a change strip at home in a couple of fixtures. I think the home team changed colours in those days when there was a clash. I have a mental image of Alan "Pot" Watson wearing that red strip.

    "worn an all red top, with white shorts and red socks, as a change strip at home in a couple of fixtures. I think the home team changed colours in those days when there was a clash. I have a mental image of Alan "Pot" Watson wearing that red strip."

    Correct in all details. Pot scored against Clydebank direct from a corner while wearing that strip.

    The first change strip I remember was a light blue top with white shorts. We wore it for Jimmy Veitch's debut (and of the other guy - whose name I forget - we'd signed from Newtongrange Star at the same time. They combined to score a beauty that day.) I still regret the passing of the home team having to change in case of a clash.

    I also remember us turning out in all white but it was at Bayview (old Bayview.) We'd turned up with a kit that clashed with East Fife's and had to wear their change strip. This was in the 1980s, though.

  14. Anybody care to copy and paste the email up here, I don't seem to have got it.


    Buzzing for a 1-1 draw against East Stirlingshire in February 2020 under the (fully powered) floodlights at the Renton Dome. Should be some spectacle. 

    Make that Edinburgh City.....

  15. Roy McCormack Christmas Day 1971 at Love Street.

    This. Absolutely no contest; this.

    Think Jamie Vardy's goal against Liverpool - only from much further out, both in terms of distance and angle. Stunning. The filling in a three game in a row sandwich of belters from the big man.


    Not quite up there:-

    Lee Sharp's at Livi. Jumbo Muir's better-than-George-Weah effort at Shawfield. John McQuade's finish to the passing move from a kick-off after Cowden's equaliser; not one Cowden player touched the ball until it was planted in the net about a minute later.

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