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Posts posted by rockson

  1. 20 hours ago, GordonS said:

    That's a distinction without a difference. What does matter, as someone else pointed out to me, is the loss of income from cups etc.

    No, it's not. The difference is you're dropping out of one league structure into a completely separate one - with a much less high national profile.

  2. 20 hours ago, GordonS said:
    20 hours ago, rockson said:
    Really? A one-in-five chance of dropping out of the league? Those are very poor odds.

    That's what we have in the Championship and L1 right now.

    You're not dropping out of the league in those cases, merely a division within it.

  3. 4 hours ago, HTG said:

    But there should also be at least 1 down automatically from the SPFL




    with a play off on top of that.

    I suspect that isn't going to happen till a team that has been relegated from the SPFL gets promoted back to it.


    One certain and two possible relegations from a ten team league? Dream on.

  4. 11 hours ago, microdave said:

    I realised this morning that we've worn our away kit twice this season and won on both occasions while losing every match with the home kit!

    I've also been at both these games - but I don't often get to home games as I live in Fife.

  5. 14 hours ago, SlipperyP said:

    Nae ICT are a new team. The became ICT with the merger of Caley and Thistle.  Their history only started in '94. It's still a raw nerve in some parts of Invernesshire

    No they're not. They would never have existed without Caledonian and Thistle to merge from. They are a continuation of both those clubs. That fact is embedded in their name.

  6. 19 hours ago, Sanity check needed. said:
    On 22/07/2019 at 22:19, rockson said:
    Ferranti Thistle, I think you'll find.

    Meadowbank to me, never seen ferranti thistle play so that's why I said meadowbank

    I never saw Ferranti Thistle play but I knew that was their name before they were elected to the bottom division and changed it to Meadowbank. They had  a few seasons in the Scottish Cup under that name. It pissed me off the first time I went to Livi and their programme m easured their existence from the time when they moved to Almondvale (and changed name again.)

    Inverness CT supporters do the same. That club has a history (or two histories) well over 100 years long but when I was up for a game a couple of yeras ago  they were claiming they'd won the Scottish within less than 30 of coming into being.

  7. On 06/07/2019 at 15:48, Sanity check needed. said:
    On 05/07/2019 at 13:36, ++Ammo - Airdrie++ said:
    See tbf, my old man stills calls Morrison's, Safeway.
    The Clyde boys are just excited and missed all this "banter". Let them enjoy it.

    And Livingston will always be  meadowbank to me

    Ferranti Thistle, I think you'll find.

  8. 35 minutes ago, Sons FC said:

    Completely agree with this - it is too early in the season (Wimbledon won't have finished before the first games start, for goodness sake) and the format discriminates against the smaller clubs who have to rebuild a squad every year. 

    Isn't that what it was designed for?

    Diddy teams aren't supposed to progress you know.

  9. 1 hour ago, the snudge said:

    The question is, what the flurk is polyvalence and why is it being used in the Dumbarton thread? 

    Valency is a chemical term to do with how many bonds an atom can form. I assume as used here it means he can play in more than one position.

  10. 5 hours ago, sarti pooh said:

    Does anyone know if the Oyster Catchers nesting at the ground are going to be a problem? 

    I imagine there's some protection for nesting birds.

    I was going to say, will the chicks not have hatched and fledged before the season starts? But then I remembered the preseason games ........


  11. 5 minutes ago, G4Mac said:

    Ffs... Really? You felt it necessary to search through these posts (I haven't seen you post here before) to pull me up for saying gents instead of folks. Dear, dear me.

    For the avoidance of any doubt, I meant no offence to anyone when I used the word gents instead of folks and hope that no one has been offended by me using the word gents instead of folks, particularly if one of the original posters was in fact a female poster. All views are my own.

    Happy now? Does that meet your posting standards? Any other helpful life hints and tips?

    I have posted before here but not often because the club I support isn't in the EoS.

    But I do think the EoS forum is the most interesting  on P&B.

  12. 21 hours ago, G4Mac said:

    Really? Are we going there? Are you out searching for something to be offended by? I can safely assume since neither original poster took umbrage they were male. Change it to people or persons or folks if you would like.


    From that I assume you don't know they're male.

    Which was my point.

    "Folks" would have avoided any misunderstanding.


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