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Posts posted by rockson

  1. On 17/01/2021 at 15:23, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    Did we not also have some sort of large plastic Bovril jar that they used to serve pies from? I was a young whippersnapper so my memory is hazy. I’ve tried to find a picture on google but had nae luck. 

    There also used to be a refreshment stall at the Silverton end side of the old pavilion before it was upgraded.

  2. 20 hours ago, Che Dail said:

    Pedant alert.

    (Pedant = a person who is excessively concerned with minor details and rules or with displaying academic learning)

    As Gordon S said the two words have totally different meanings - not a minor detail I'd have thought. Neither was my comment illustrating a rule nor did it display "academic" learning.

    Pricey's comment gave me an image of clubs  displaying a copy of the Covid rules and saying, "Here are the Covid rules," not of them showing a disregard for said rules.

  3. On 06/01/2021 at 19:39, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    The young lad shouldn’t even be anywhere near our bench, nevermind starting. I’m for having these young lads training with us or even travelling with the squad on matchdays but they are nowhere near ready for this level of football straight from Dumbarton Utd. 

    Talking of young lads training and travelling with us, where's Josh Lumsden these days?

  4. On 06/01/2021 at 19:39, stanley said:

    When I say the old first and second division, I mean the current Championship and League One under their old name (not the original first division when it was the top league). Those were ten-team leagues with two automatic relegation spots until years ago when the playoffs were introduced.

    My god but you're a young thing.

    Weren't the divisions you're talking about named Division One and Two not First and Second?

  5. Just now, Burnieman said:

    Makes a difference to whom?

    To the clubs who are in danger of losing their long-held status in the nationwide leagues.  Brechin were in tier 2 of the SPFL only three seasons ago and Cowdenbeath were there a couple  of seasons before that. There's a much greater chance of relegation from a ten team league than an 18 team one.

  6. 23 hours ago, stanley said:

    Don't think it being a 10-team division should make any difference. It wasn't too long ago that there were two teams automatically going down from the old first and second divisions.

    My point is that it absolutely does make a difference.  (And those top two divisions had 18/19 teams in them, not ten.)

  7. 23 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:

    That wasn't the question though was it?

    Do any other leagues relegate 20% of its membership every year? Yes, several. Some even more than 20%

    And the point about France promoting it's 4 highest regional champions, while relegating 4 from their lowest National division. That was just to further illustrate that it wouldn't be a unique for Scotland to provide 2 promotion spots for their two highest regional champions, while relegating 2 from their lowest National division. Since numbers wise it's comparable.

    EDIT: Since the 2/10 seemed to become an issue over 20%. I give you the lowest National division of Estonia


    A 10 team league where the bottom 2 teams are automatically relegated. 3rd team in a relegation playoff where they face the winner of an earlier round played between the 2 regional runners up.

    No, it wasn't the question; but it was a reason why it's unlikely to happen in Scotland. The bottom SPFL division would have to be a lot bigger than ten clubs for even one automatic relegation, never mind two, to come  about.

    (As an aside I'll note that relegating two from Scotland's lowest national division would effectively give a free pass to the Highland League Champs every year as for the moment it doesn't look like any SPFL club - Brechin perhaps apart [and they're dead against moving to the HL]  or, just, maybe, Elgin City - would be relegated to it. Not that the Shire or Berwick made a good fist of competing in the LL.)

    That Estonian league has only been running for 7 years. It lacks the history of the SPFL's predecessors.

    2/10 is not only an issue if it's over 20%. Relegating 2 clubs is an issue in itself. The Football League in England only relegates two from its bottom divison of 24 (1/12, not 1/5) and you expect the SPFL to relegate the same absolute number of clubs each year? Even one automatic relegation is an issue in the short term.

    I suspect that, as happened  in England, relegation from the SPFL won't be expanded till a relegated club has managed to get back up.

  8. 23 hours ago, FairWeatherFan said:


    As an example take the lowest National League of France that relegates 4 from 18 (22.222%). That's so they can promote the 4 regional division champions each year.

    That still leaves 14 teams not relegated - not just 8. And the SPFL isn't relegating to 4 regional divisions.

  9. 3 hours ago, Bestsinceslicebread said:

    Hopefully this is understood the way I want it conveyed, fekcing hard to read it back to myself a few times and change to make sure lol

    These are just all insular groups who think that everything matters for their own personal satisfaction.

    Do we all agree, any team from the highland League or the Lowland league who get promoted, wont be relegated from the SPFL, infact do we probably expect the promoted teams will be chasing for promotion the following year from the SPFL 2, which means the regulars SPFL prop up teams like Brechin City, Stenhouemuir, Cwdnbeath's, Albion Rovers teams will eventually be relegated one at a time and I wouldn't expect any of us t think they will bounce back the following year.  This is something that the SP||F|L 2 clubs cant avoid, one team relegated each year. Thus any team being promoted have any common sense will vote for two automatic promotions from the Lowland or Highland league, knowing there's  a great chance bouncing back if relegated from the SPFL 2 league the previous year.    if all this doe happen then yeah eventually in the future the chairmen of Stenny, Brechin etc.. will be fecked with their self preservation

    Two automatic promotions means two automatic relegations. Is there any league anywhere in the world that relegates one-fifth (20%) of its members every year?

  10. 5 hours ago, FifeSons said:

    We’ve beaten Airdrie, Clyde, Cove and drawn at Firhill this season. If we win our game in hand we’d be a point behind Partick.

    The squad might be weak relative to recent seasons, but it will still have no problem dispatching a mid table Lowland/Highland League outfit.

    Ever heard of hubris?

  11. 21 hours ago, BU_Brian said:

    I get what you are saying Rock, and as horrible as it sounds, I agree with you, ref. trusting some people to behave, to stick to the rules,,, in fact, I believe it may now be ...  to stay within the law.

    But you get these people everywhere... they do not give a monkeys what they do, anywhere.

    Thankfully, they are almost always in the minority.

    To combat this, with specific reference to football fans and entry to the games. Everyone must give up their contact details. Once you have these, and they are breaking the rules of entry for that club, we either eject them, or call the police. 

    I know it will never work out that easy, but it is:

    1)    A starting point (severely restrict the numbers)

    2)    The marshals have to be as attentive, as focused as best they can and have specific directives to adhere to. Use local marshals that know the people they are looking after. 

    3)    The biggy .... TRUST. There has to be some level of trust between the club and the men and woman who come to their games to support them, come rain or shine. They are not there for any other reason than to watch and support their team.

    Rock, I do get what you are saying, but truly believe, football fans that are going to watch their team, especially at our level, are there only to enjoy themselves. They are still putting money into their clubs, but not getting to see them live. The fully understand the viciousness of this virus. They all have families that they try to protect. They KNOW that if they get too close,  do not wear their face masks or stop washing their hands, the sheer evil this virus could come down on them, their friends and families.

    Trust Rock, keep the numbers low, ensure their is sufficient marshals, ensure the marshals have their mandate, their specific instructions, tag everyone and give them an allocation and time of arrival into the ground.

    Ignorant, self obsessed and people with just pure criminal intent will always find a way... THAT is the sad fact.

    Let's not let them spoil it for us.

    Hoping you had a nice Christmas Rock. look after yourself.


    You may be right at lower levels. There are some right roasters of fans in the SPFL tiers 1 and 2 though and my fears  are mainly due to this. Most League One and Two fans are okay. I have no personal experience of leagues below that bar one Scottish Cup tie at a then junior ground - well before Covid..

    I wouldn't be too sure marshals would - or could - enforce the rules either.

    In the heat of the moment of  a crucial goal being scored  fans might lose their control too.

    Christmas was quiet but I had a telephonic scare via an elderly friend  who took ill. Today it seems he might not be as bad as I feared, though.

    Look after yourself too.

  12. 3 minutes ago, Bring Back Paddy Flannery said:

    I’d like to think that any agreement with a parent club wouldn’t require you to play the loanees at all times, in their preferred position regardless of form or injuries. Parent clubs will understand that it’s pretty much impossible to committ to that in competitive football with paying fans. I can only speak for ourselves but we’ve had loads over the years who end up sitting on the bench if they aren’t good enough or covering other positions when required. I can’t really remember us ever being forced into playing a loanee every game in a certain position. 

    It felt like that one seasom in the bottom division (Gerry McCabe's time?) when we had a loanee from Kilmarnock who was pretty rubbish but stilll got a game every week.

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