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honestly united

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Everything posted by honestly united

  1. That was a dreadful clearance kick straight to foley
  2. Need to get down into the Aus half, spent the whole 2nd half in our half
  3. We've been helped by Foley taking an age to take the conversion think its only 7 mins left now
  4. Anyone else might have got away with it but Barnes had already singled out Wilson. The one before when he was warned for coming in at the side it looked he joined from the back foot and the maul just turned.
  5. Was always going to happen, Barnes had picked up Wilson a few times already, had his card marked
  6. What's happened to Finns headband, saw he took it off last week, and not on at all this week?
  7. Im going to watch the 2nd animated version first so will probably make things even worse...
  8. Having suffered through the Dan parks years jackson was a breath of fresh air when he came through, and I expected him to be the first choice 10 for years to come, however he was overtaken by Weir (the same as Weir was overtaken by Russell) and being back up at Harleguins, and only getting more than a half on 12 occasions (mainly LV and European Trophy) isn't great going. If he was playing more I would be a bit more comfortable with him playing
  9. I think Jackson and Horne can cover 10 but they are nowhere near the same standard as Russell or top end international class. 3 or 4 years ago they would probably be 1st choice Scotland standard, but not anymore. I think everywhere else on the pitch you take out the first choice players and there is not a huge drop in standard. At prop you take out Nel and Reid and you replace them with Fagerson and Dell, in the backrow take out Hardie, Strauss and Barclay and you replace with Watson, Wilson and Harley at centre you take out Dunbar and Jones and you can replace with Taylor and Bennett. I wouldn't want to be going into the November tests or the 6 Nations with Russell out injured.
  10. Jones and Hughes have played well for Glasgow and given our first 3 choices of wingers are out, its probably the best we have. Tonks Im not as keen on, but it was probably a toss up between him and Jackson and probably Jackson is a better shout on the bench to start. Forwards you could make a case that some of the stronger players are on the bench in Nel, Swinson and Strauss but dont have any concerns with those starting which is a good situation to be in. I would say that Stand off is the only position that I would be concerned if Russel got injured as their is no one close to the standard to step in. Everywhere else we seem to have options that are still international class
  11. 5th or 6th leaves us as 2nd seeds for next year. Also one of Samoa or Argentina will play off with the loser relegated to the 2018 U20 Trophy. This years winner will be promoted to replace them, with Portugal (Europe), Japan (last years relegated side), Uruguay (hosts), Namibia (africa), Hong Kong (Asia), Fiji (Oceania) and Chile (South America). USA vs Canada qualifier is later today to see who joins them in August / September
  12. Ghost in the Shell (1995) Thought i would watch the original cartoons before taking in the Scarlet Johansen version - Still excellent after all these years, animation is still as good as anything that has come out since. As with any Sci-fi it has started to age as actual technology passes what was percieved as many years in advance (the little things like mobile phones, Wifi etc overtaking fixed lines..) but still very good, and current in its issues.
  13. One game in and already the Scotland tour has produced a standard of rugby way better than the lions have managed in 3. Granted the Nz provinces are probably better than Italy but at least they are trying to play rugby
  14. Good performance from Scotland in patches, but given its the first game under tooney, it was about half the strongest team missing and the weather not to bad a start
  15. I think its more a case of Gray being kept fit for the Australia game than incase of a Lions call. I would think the Australia game should see the strongest team we have, the other 2 are going to be 75% teams to give as many people as possible a start to get people used to how Toony wants the players to play. Im a bit suprised by the 6/2 split in the subs, I take it he is expecting it to be really warm and the forwards to be worn out.
  16. the format is like it is to keep the tournament down to 2 weeks, adding another game adds another 3 days, and is probably a bit unfair 3 knock out games to decide who gets relegated each year - although to be fair the big 10 probably will do something to change it when it starts to look like one of them might get relegated one year
  17. Looking at the tables I think 5-8 is the best we can aim for given the state of group C. A win over Italy (with a BP) could see us as seeded 5th (dependent on the Aus v Eng game) against either Italy again or the winners of Wales v Samoa, or 6th vs the loser of the Arg v SA. A win in that game would see us seeded in the 2nd pot for the next U20 WC as we would finish 5th or 6th. A lose against Italy without a losing BP could potentially put us into the relegation play off and end up losing our place in the Championship, although I cant see us losing 2 games.
  18. Some great play from the youngsters, Kinghorn had some cracking breaks, and the back play in general was excellent
  19. The pro12 have really been whoring themselves about to anyone with a bit of cash. A SA team could be a great addition it could potential be the best of SA not on international duty as the leagues are at different time's
  20. He's definitely stamped on his face but in his defence I dont think its accidental - ie its clumsy rather than malicious - to add even if it wasn't a red (which it was) already what was he thinking pushing him on his way off the pitch, that was really stupid
  21. I think the issue was last time GB had 3 chances to qualify (ie the ranking of either 3 countries was in the top 4) plus the other qualification routes. We only played as a GB squad in the European 7's at the end of the season - and this is pretty much 2nd tier stuff as the winner gets to enter the World 7's series qualifier in Hong Kong - we usually enter a development 7's each year rather than the full team. If it was once every 4 years and we enter a GB team in 2 or 3 events in the lead up to the Olympics then I could handle that. A full season every 4 years would be pushing it for me, and full time no chance
  22. Couple from this week Dread - karl Urban version (7/10) Being vaguely aware of the comics, (ie haven't read but get the gist of the character etc) I thought it was played well, captured the atmosphere of Megacity well, and was a good watch as a futuristic cop movie. Only downsides were the 4 other judges seemed to not have enough back story or motivation, they just turned up for the money and Urban trying to pull stallone faces which I found a bit annoying The Great Wall. (6/10) Visually looks stunning in terms of the wall, Beijing, the desert etc, the costumes for the chinese army, the creatures not so much. Story is proper scify channel sharknado teritory
  23. The writers and creative in general is pretty poor in WWE, and I think a lot of the issue lies with Vince. They dont let things grow organically and as soon as something starts to build momentum they try and ram i down your throat as much as possible. Its really a case of one the one hand they dont listen to the fans enough, and when they do they take it too far and it becomes complete overkill (im thinking fandango as an example - let people sing along but we dont need lawler telling people to do the fandango constantly) They also have a tendancy to take people that are over for some reason, then completely ignore the reason / dont give them a chance and they end up being forgotten about. case in point (and I accept their have been legal reasons) the broken Hardy's were over because of there antics in promo's etc, the actual wrestling was never great, but I dont think there has been one grean bean or a sighting of Senor Benjamin yet. All we have had is an odd maniacal laugh and a quick delete. Hopefully Ceasro and Sheamus break them so we can get a bit of entertainment. Although to be fair it has been better of late with Styles and Joe not really changing too much when joining WWE. And granted it must be hard to come up with a gimmic that is both original and relevant as most things have been done to death
  24. I dont understand the cutting of core teams in the 7's either, unless they are wanting to have more "wildcard" entries at every event
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