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Andreas Kelevra

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Everything posted by Andreas Kelevra

  1. Dunfermline have more money than us? Interesting? I've heard Dunfermline are struggling and the guys that bankroll the club are REALLY struggling, could be all bullshit of course.
  2. Might not have liked it but it would have been fair. Every year you hear the same thing, the league is a marathon not a sprint. If terrorists blew up Tower bridge during the London Marathon and they stopped the race, would they give the medals and prize money to the man, women and wheelchair competitors that were leading at the time?
  3. We got 1K for a 50/50 half time draw for a non existent game. Hate to say it - (no I really don't) -f**k the rest and the SFA but we need to use this current situation to improve us - leverage our support . I'm up for buying a team above us and shutting them down.
  4. With Sunderland til I die season 2 about to hit Netflix , I wonder if the Mark Campbell gets a mention?
  5. Well I totally disagree!! We should set up a fighting fund to support the club and possibly suing everybody and anyone we can . We have been fucked over so many times, even the fine for mckinnon was a joke! Screw the SFA, Screw every club above us - I'd take Falkirk on top of a pile of ashes rather than kowtow to the SPFL and SFA.
  6. Exactly! What happened to the "Keep Calm and Carry on" Spirit that made this country great! Spitfire Pilots knew that had a 50% chance of return when fighting in the Battle of Britain, yet we cancel EVERYTHING on an about a 1% death rate on people who contract this virus. Might as well be in the jail than have to suffer a Saturday like today - what are we working for? Cannot get out, socialise, spend the money you work for. If your health is shite, sit your arse in the house, but the rest of should keep calm and carry on
  7. I know they are volunteers and do their best, but almost all Falkirk TV interviews are boring and very repetitive. the you made three changes today, talk us through it. you made two changes at half time, talk us through it. ( ball hits off arse and goes in) You scored just before half time talk us through it.
  8. Look! how can we have managers who make such bad decisions in life? Miller having a sleeve tattoo could maybe put down to “daft boyness” but he was well into his twenties before getting his. McCracken is a real piece of work hawking a pyramid scheme, whilst in a position of influence - if he didn’t figure it out as a pyramid scheme he’s clearly too thick to be a football manager. so we have two managers who clearly aren’t that bright. Both Largs cone graduates - we have no fucking chance. Better not to go up with these clowns and totally rebuild. If we go up with these clowns we’ll yo yo from champ to 1st instead of prem to champ.
  9. Thats you won then! Every time a team needs a win, striker needs a goal, the patron Saint of lost Causes- Saint Falkirk will fucking help you out.
  10. We are utter shite, Sleeve tattoo and herbal life have just made the players try a bit harder, but the players are average at best, better to have a couple of class acts like Goodwillie and surround him him with decent and willing hard workers than 11 average Championship jobbers. Telfer and Mcmillan were the worst today, folk going mental at Sammon but he's head and shoulders ahead of the McMillan. Telfer is slower than me and soft as shite, absolute imposter! We are so far away from being a decent team its frightening!
  11. I’m not concerned about Miller coming on, it’s who he subbed to come on that annoyed me. He has to take off McManus, we need to wrap him in cotton wool. He could have got injured late on whilst battling for the ball on the touchline, an angry East Fife player tried to wipe him out. It was 2-0 with 8 mins to go, keepers not made a save, Miller and Sammon make us better at defending set-plays. When games are won - take off McManus, without him we are intercoursed.
  12. ......and that is when Falkirk arse it up and end up getting beat 2-1
  13. This type of performance is typical of Falkirk in recent years, huff and puff but score a couple goals watch the players bollocks grow and they go on to be players we think they should be. I’d prefer we jump out the traps and go for teams throats get an early goal or two.
  14. Easy win for Arbroath we struggle against teams that play as a well drilled unit, we haven’t beaten a top 4 league one team, so a mid ranking Championship team will skelp us.
  15. If you play football manager the first thing... well second thing (first is lack of pace) you notice is the amount of deep lying play makers we have, not a natural box-to-box, ball winner or advanced midfielder in the squad. Tidser, McShane, Gomes, Telfer and Leitch all do the same job. Miller appears to be doing the ball winning midfielder quite well. I’d happily sign another one to replace McShane or Tidser. We need to be able to out battle teams and allow our better players to play in the final third.
  16. Longridge is part of a team that isn't top of the league and hasn't beaten any of the top teams, why are we giving a hoot if he stays or goes?
  17. Tidser seems to get better every game he doesn't play - He is no use for us, has no pace, cannot beat a man, just a few classy touches when we are already winning by a couple of goals. Sick of players like him, only good when everything is going well, but turn into ghosts or feign injury when the going gets tough.
  18. Oh great! another one who should do a job at this level, we need guys who are embarrassed as the fans to be playing in the third tier and wants to use us to get a move to England or a mid ranking a SPL team. We have guys trying to eek out every bit of full time football money before the harsh reality of full time work hits. Miller is bringing in his pals, McCracken will want to sign one of his Herballife agents next! Shambolic!
  19. I think Dermot Desmond is to Celtic what Sandy Alexander is to us. Owns the shares, offers soft loans from time to time and will pay out his back pocket for a player he likes - one paid for Robbie keane, the other Mark Millar.
  20. His first touch and control are beyond pathetic for a professional footballer, to quote Tommy Docherty he can trap the ball further than I can kick it
  21. Why should being a member of Bairn for Life trump being a Shareholder in the getting a ticket lottery? Shareholders own a part of this bloody shambles of a club.
  22. The only positive thing I can see about Campbell is the fact that he was trying to buy Sunderland and they spent 4 months negotiating , if he was just some geezer who run a mini cab firm i doubt Sunderland would have let him in the door.
  23. He's gone, he knows it, look at the interviews - he looks like a man relieved of a burden.
  24. Where are our players professional pride? They are for the most part earning double that of the guy they are up against. Would anyone like to go their work to find the guy payed less than us is more productive? The thing that really annoys me is McKinnon worked under 2 of the best football mangers EVER in Jim Mclean and Brian Clough and appears to learned absolutely f**k all!
  25. We need massive change, The BTB deal = Status quo. Campbell might be dodgy as f**k, but he gives hope and the best chance of getting rid of useless McKinnon and see Park pick the signings rather than McKinnons pals and Brylcreem boys.
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