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Everything posted by Captain_Sensible

  1. I've entered but have now had to pull out as my son has a football coaching thing he has to be at in Kilwinning. Given my number to one of my training mates. He actually beat me at the Dumbarton 10k by 1 sec in a sprint finish. He's not done as much training as me recently for various reasons but I'm still expecting him to go sub 37.
  2. Keep up the good work. These are my splits from this morning's Half Marathon in mins per mile. I initially went out to try and get sub 1:20 but changed my mind after the 4th mile. 1. 6.02 2. 5.55 3. 5.58 4. 6.00 5. 6.20 6. 6.14 7. 6.11 8. 6.20 9. 6.24 10. 6.29 11. 6.29 12. 6.04 13. 6.20 Last 0.25 miles. 5.17 pace My watch read 13.25 which is obviously too long, but Garmin's can be a tad inaccurate in built up areas. Average pace overall was 6.12. Needed 6.05s to get sub 1:20 but decided to back off after the 4th mile and just make sure I was under 1:23. Final time was 1:22:04 - or thereabouts. Very hard work.
  3. My 9 year old son ran the Paisley 3k in 13 mins and 31 secs last Sunday. He is very fit mind you.
  4. btw, on the treadmill discussion, simply put the incline up to 1.0 in order to get roughly the same effort as running outside.
  5. Just completed the Glasgow Half Marathon in 1:22:04. Should be good enough to just scrape into the top 100. 6:12 min/miles.
  6. 500 miles I read somewhere. I need about 6 pairs a year.
  7. Great effort. That is indeed an incredible jump in a short space of time.
  8. Anyone running the Glasgow Half Marathon on Sunday?
  9. I have ran just over 3,000km so far this year. I reckon I'll do more than 1,600km in the remainder of the year.
  10. To continue boring you all, here are my 6 mile splits in minutes: 1. 5:24 2. 5:56 3. 5:59 4. 6:04 5. 5:55 6. 5:42 Plan was to go out aggresively for the first mile... and probably over cooked it a bit! Still, managed to get close to 5:57 min miles for the next 4 which was my aim.
  11. Official results just in. Finished in 17th position by chip time out of 622 finishers in 35:15. Finished a second ahead of Bryan Burnett. He passed me with about a mile and a half to go but I chased him down the High Street and almost caught him at the death. Good to see that I beat him on the chip time though.
  12. Some random pics on B&W Army. Here's me (blue vest on the right) on the way to 35:14. B)
  13. Just back from the Paisley 10k where I posted a new PB of 35:14. Well pleased with that. My 9 year old son posted a time of 13:25 in the 3k - that's about 7.25 min/miles. Very happy with that also.
  14. Good stuff. My house in Paisley is 8.7 miles from my work in the centre of Glasgow and I run to and from all the time (sometimes park at a train station nearer to work and run from there if I want to take it easier. I used to do it in 1:15 when I started but now usually do it in around 1:08. If I decide to speed it up a bit I'll do it in an hour...... quicker than public transport! My route takes me past the main entrance at Ibrox where I always make a point of emptying an excess phlegm from my mouth
  15. Welld one Diamonds. That's an excellent time. I ran 46 and a half mins on my first 10k three years ago...... and you know what times I can do now. If that's your opening shot then you can get where I'm at if you train for it. Was it the Strathclyde Park 10k by the way? One of my training mates at work finished 11th in that race. I think his time was 36:56. Almost a minute outside his PB which he set at Clydebank earlier this year - but still a great effort.
  16. I don't do much cycling at all. My train of thought is that if I've got enough time to do something else then I'm not running enough. I do admit that I've done a few 30 mins bike sessions in the gym over the summer though and I did an 18 mile bike ride from Paisley to Lochwinnoch and back the week after the Edinburgh Marathon as a change from running. I must admit though that I much prefer to run that 18 mile route.
  17. Chingford won't be happy. They've changed the route of the Paisley 10k this year and it doesn't go by St. Mirren's new ground! Obviously the building works have put paid to that this year. They've added an extra bit along and back on Linwood Road by Asda. You will be able to see the new stadium however as the race still goes up Greenhill Road - just not past the stadium.
  18. My best tip is to find a group to run with or join a running club. I ran the Paisley 10k in 43:30 and the Glasgow HM in 1:46 2 years ago. I then started running with some fast guys in my work at lunchtime. I improved no end and the key was interval training. Within 12 months ran the Paisley 10k in 39:10, the Glasgow HM in 1:27 and the Edinburgh Marathon in 3:17. A further 12 months on from that and I'm running 10ks in 37 mins and HMs in 1:24.... and still getting better. As I said, the key is interval training. Its not something you can do on your own IMO, you need to join a group in order to be competitive and push yourself. You run at speeds that make you feel sick and you can't drop out because you don't want to feel daft. And before you know it, you're able to race at fast speeds.
  19. The speed these folk run at in the Olympics is min boggling. Indeed, the mens marathon will see the runners run at 30 min 10k pace for the equivalent of more than 4 10ks back to back! Sun 5 min / miles for the whole 26 miles! I can't even run a single 5 min / mile!
  20. I had hoped to qualify for the London Marathon by running Edinburgh in sub 3hrs.... but failed. So its EDinburgh for me again next year. The two pals I ran Edinburgh with both qualified for London though. One ran Edinburgh in 2:58 and gets straight into London while the girl (I say girl but she's 37!) who ran it with us not only qualified for London but has got a place in the Championship race at London next year by running 3:09 at Edinburgh. Women get into the vets category at 35 while men have to wait until they are 40 and they also get an extra 15 mins! I'd have needed to do Edinburgh in sub 2:45 to get into the Championship!!
  21. I post my times not only so I can show off but also to try and inspire others. If I can do it then so can others. I ran the Glasgow Half Marathon in 1:46 two years ago and hope to do this years in under 1:23. That's a big jump in 2 years..... and its all down to hard work and lots of training (and losing some weight). As for the 10k, I ran the Paisley 10k in around 46 mins 3 years ago. My current 10k PB is 37:08 which I did at Dumbarton in June. I ran the MHFS 10k at Bellahouston in 37:10 a week and a half later and finished 16th out of around 2,500 runners. My target for this year's Paisley 10k is sub 37 mins. I'm hopeful. I just ran a 5.5 mile tempo on Thursday lunchtime at 6.10 min/mile pace, ie equivalent to a 38 mins 10k..... and that was my target half marathon pace. The thing is, my target last year for a 10k was sub 40 mins and I did it by 8 secs at the MFHS 10k..... and I thought I was dying at the end and that was as fast as I could go. A year later and I've knocked almost 3 mins of that time..... and now run back to back sub 40 min 10ks while doing a half marathon! What has helped me is that the group I train with at lunch times at work contains 6 guys who can all run faster than me. One can run a 10k in under 33 mins. Its good to do quality training with top notch runners. My one big disappointment was burning and crashing in the last 6 miles at the Edinburgh Marathon this year. Target will be 2:50 next year. A winter of tough training lies ahead.
  22. Ran the Helensburgh Half Marathon two weeks ago and finished in 1:24:20 which was a PB by 18 secs. Hope to get under 1:23 at the Glasgow Half....... although I believe that the start now takes you up the hill on St Vincent Street due to the Bothwell Street ramp currently being closed...... Paisley 10k in 2 weeks and Stirling 10k the week after the Glasgow Half. The Irvine 10k this Wednesday is a fast course I believe - not sure if I'll be able to run it however.
  23. Back from Lanzarote on Monday. Managed to get 7 runs in over the 2 weeks with a total of 45 miles. I still lost fitness though and struggled in the speed session on Tuesday. Also suffering fron what I think is Posterior Tibilias Tendon injury. Had it for months but have been ignoring it. Now got an appointment with a podiatrist next Thursday.... apologies if my spelling is crap!
  24. An hour on your first run? I ran for about 15 mins on my first ever run about 4 years ago and that included some walking in the middle. I thought I was dying of an asthma attack at the end..... and I played 5s once a week! Well done, an hour is very impressive. As someone has mentioned though, take it easy. Don't try and do too much too soon. My training log shows I've ran 1,200 miles exactly today since the 7th Jan this year. I've stepped up my training over the past 3 weeks and have averaged just under 11 miles a day over the past 17 days. Getting in as much training as possible before I go on 2 weeks holidays on Sunday. Want to be ready for the Aug/Sept races.
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